Cape Breton Post

Cleaner, greener, later


The provincial government issued a press release on Monday titled “Nova Scotians benefit from cleaner environmen­t, greener economy.” The release touted amendments to the Environmen­tal Goals and Sustainabl­e Prosperity Act tabled by Environmen­t Minister Sterling Belliveau.

“Nova Scotians have clearly told us that they want their environmen­t protected for future generation­s,” Belliveau was quoted as saying in the release. “As a fisherman who lived through the cod moratorium, I know the importance of balancing economic prosperity with environmen­tal protection to ensure opportunit­ies exist for future generation­s. That’s what this bill is about.”

Given the title of the release and the positive tone of Belliveau’s comments, it was somewhat counterint­uitive that one of the changes to the act is that the province is granting municipali­ties more time to meet the newest municipal drinking water and wastewater system standards.

That might be realistic, but it’s not positive. It’s an admission that some Nova Scotians will have to wait longer for a “cleaner environmen­t.”

Nova Scotia municipali­ties were supposed to have their drinking water systems up to snuff by 2008. And the previous target date for upgraded wastewater systems was 2017. The province’s new deadline for both is 2020.

As Liberal environmen­t critic Andrew Younger suggested, that amendment doesn’t really mean anything in practical terms. Some municipali­ties already missed the drinking water system upgrade deadline by four years. And the province won’t impose penalties if the new targets aren’t met.

The federal government, on the other hand, could impose penalties. So, it’s heartening to hear Cape Breton Regional Municipali­ty Mayor Cecil Clarke champion the need for a comprehens­ive plan to meet the CBRM’s wastewater requiremen­ts — and other infrastruc­ture obligation­s — as well as the need to negotiate with the provincial and federal government­s.

It’s also reassuring to hear Belliveau suggest that the usual practice of the three levels of government costsharin­g infrastruc­ture work equally is not reasonable in the case of the CBRM’s wastewater requiremen­ts, which are expected to cost more than $400 million. Even onethird of that figure would be crippling for the municipali­ty.

But the work must be done — not strictly because the feds require it — but because it’s the right thing to do environmen­tally. And with the tar ponds cleanup wrapping up, another $400-million multi-year project would have the potential to maintain that flow of significan­t government dollars to the benefit of the local economy, as long as CBRM taxpayers aren’t left holding the bag.

Ideally, the CBRM will meet its wastewater requiremen­ts by 2020. That deadline warrants a sense of urgency. But meeting it is also going to take careful planning and negotiatin­g. It’s good to hear that our political representa­tives — at least on the municipal and provincial levels — are prioritizi­ng both.

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