Cape Breton Post

UN climate report shows gap between talk and action growing as emissions rise


STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN (AP) — A UN report on rising greenhouse gas emissions reminded world government­s Wednesday that their efforts to fight climate change are far from enough to meet their stated goal of limiting global warming to 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 Fahrenheit).

The report by the UN Environmen­t Program, released just days ahead of a major climate conference, said the concentrat­ion of heat-trapping greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is up about 20 per cent since 2000.

Scientists say those emissions are contributi­ng to climate change and that failure to contain them could have dangerous consequenc­es, including rising sea levels inundating coastal cities, dramatic shifts in rainfall disrupting agricultur­e and drinking water, the spread of diseases and the extinction of species.

Emissions levels, driven by the burning of fossil fuels, need to come down by 14 per cent by 2020 for the world to reach a pathway that could keep the global temperatur­e rise below 2 degrees Celsius, compared with pre-industrial levels, UNEP said. That’s the stated goal of UN climate negotiatio­ns, which resume next week in Doha, Qatar.

But it won’t happen if countries don’t come ahead with more ambitious plans to cut emissions than what’s currently on the table.

The UN agency said if no swift action is taken, emissions are likely to hit 58 gigatons in 2020 — 14 gigatons too much to have a chance of limiting warming to 2 degrees. The projected gap is now bigger than it was last year and in 2010.

UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner said that bridging the gap remains doable and that there are many “inspiring” actions at the national level on renewable energy, energy efficiency, protect- ing forests, and vehicle emissions standards.

“Yet the sobering fact remains that a transition to a low-carbon, inclusive Green Economy is happening far too slowly and the opportunit­y for meeting the 44 Gt target is narrowing annually,” Steiner said.

The report confirmed scientific observatio­ns that the concentrat­ion of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is growing, not shrinking.

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