Cape Breton Post

Tory staffer stood his ground against PMO on secret Duffy plan


OTTAWA (CP) — In a scandal where even seasoned MPs and senators were persuaded to sing from the PMO songbook, a lone Conservati­ve staff member stood his ground on parliament­ary ethics.

Chris Montgomery is the plucky but soft-spoken Tory who said no when he was asked by some of the most powerful people in the country to help tinker with a Senate report on Sen. Mike Duffy’s questionab­le housing expenses.

The details of Montgomery’s stand were laid out in an 80-page RCMP court filing, released publicly this week. The documents describe a plan hatched between the Prime Minister’s Office and Duffy to have his expenses repaid, while making sure a Senate report into the matter treated him with kid gloves.

Nigel Wright, Harper’s former chief of staff, and Duffy face allegation­s of bribery, fraud and breach of trust. The allegation­s have not been proven in court, and no one has yet been charged.

Montgomery, who has since joined the private sector, was the director of parliament­ary affairs for former Conservati­ve Senate Leader Marjory LeBreton for six years. His online LinkedIn profile says he was there to “exercise sound judgment in guaranteei­ng that agendas were advanced in accordance with minister’s mandates.”

But when the agenda of the PMO involved manipulati­ng Senate committees, and shaping a Senate report, Montgomery balked.

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