Cape Breton Post

More than a couple of bad apples in the federal Conservati­ve barrel

- Chantal Hebert Chantal Hebert is a national affairs writer with Torstar Syndicatio­n Services.

To measure the magnitude of the hit inflicted on Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s political management by RCMP allegation­s pertaining to the Senate spending scandal, consider that the only thing that would have made that damage worse would have been for the police to drag the prime minister himself into its net.

The 81-page document filed in court on Nov. 20 by lead RCMP investigat­or Cpl. Greg Horton stops short of that. He concludes that he is “not aware of any evidence that the prime minister was involved in the repayment or reimbursem­ent of money to Senator Duffy or his lawyer.”

But that should offer only a minimum of solace to the government. For the picture painted by the RCMP — based on the evidence that it has gathered to date in the Duffy-Wright affair — suggests that the ethical rot that led to the scandal spreads beyond a couple of bad apples in the Conservati­ve barrel.

Nigel Wright, a man who Harper once elevated to a position of influence second only to his own on Parliament Hill, is now alleged to have broken the Criminal Code in the exercise of his public duties.

There have in the past been Canadian senior officials who were alleged to have run afoul of the law, but never at the level of prime ministeria­l chief of staff or right under the nose of the prime minister himself.

According to the RCMP, the story does not begin and end with Wright, Duffy and the transactio­n that led the former to reimburse the latter’s housing allowance out of personal funds. As part of the deal accepted by the PMO, a Senate report was doctored and an independen­t audit was manipulate­d, all to whitewash Duffy and all with the help of a handful of senior Conservati­ves.

Marjory LeBreton was Harper’s leader in the Senate over the episode. Carolyn Stewart Olsen is a former press secretary to Harper whom he subsequent­ly appointed to the upper house. She and David Tkachuk, a veteran Conservati­ve senator, both sat on the committee that oversaw the audit of Duffy’s expenses.

The RCMP alleges that all those players actively colluded in the cleansing operation.

There’s more: Only a few weeks ago, Irving Gerstein — the senator who oversees the Conservati­ve war chest — told a party convention that he never considered using party funds to reimburse Duffy’s housing allowance on his behalf.

The RCMP evidence again says otherwise. Emails suggest that Gerstein was willing to bail Duffy out until it came to light that he owed three times more money than had initially been estimated.

But perhaps the most politicall­y damaging feature of the Nov. 20 filing is the suggestion that Harper — even as the RCMP says it has found no evidence that he had a hand in the scheme itself — was more in the loop of things than he has let on to date.

According to Wright’s correspond­ence, for instance, he initially sought and obtained Harper’s approval to reimburse Duffy’s expenses at the time when he was negotiatin­g a reimbursem­ent out of Conservati­ve party funds.

It was only after that arrangemen­t fell through that Wright decided to clear Duffy’s expense slate with his own money.

“The PM knows, in broad terms only, that I personally assisted Duffy when I was getting him to agree to repay the expenses,” Wright testified about that aspect of the case last May.

And with that, the Nov. 20 affidavit gave the opposition parties in the House of Commons enough fuel to keep the government’s feet to the fire for the foreseeabl­e future. And who could blame them for doing so?

To sum up: The RCMP alleges that people placed by Harper in the government’s and the Senate’s chain of command either broke the law or took part in a coverup designed to make a scandal go away, but leaves the prime minister himself off the hook. And this is what now passes for a good day at the office for the Conservati­ves.

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