Cape Breton Post

Volunteers needed to attend meeting

‘Christmas is huge but this is our time to gather support so we can help all year long’


NEW WATERFORD — Officials with the Salvation Army in New Waterford say people who are willing to give a little of their time now, will be helping others all year long.

Lt. Josh Downer, of both the New Waterford and Glace Bay Salvation Army churches, said a meeting will be held at the New Waterford church at 519 King St., today at 6 p.m.

He said all kettle volunteers are encouraged to come.

“We are asking those who have done it before and anyone who is interested in standing at a kettle for a shift or two to come out for an orientatio­n.”

Downer said the orientatio­n will include letting people know where the money goes and what it’s used for.

“It’s so they’re not only just standing there but are a part of it. It’s so they can understand what it’s all about - what helps us meet the needs in the community all year long.”

H said the funds are used not only to assist with the Christmas hampers, but for any emergencie­s in the community throughout the year.

“The big thing with the Salvation Army — even across Canada — Christmas is huge but this is our time to gather support so we can help all year long.”

He said last year there were between 50 and 60 volunteers for the campaign in New Waterford but it wasn’t enough.

Downer said kettle coordinato­r Lynn Meery has about 40 volunteers in New Waterford at this time.

“We’d love to have many more to ensure we can fill every shift from now until Christmas.”

To raise the numbers of volunteers, he is hoping to go into the high schools to speak to the students to let them know what they could do to help. He said it would be great to also see families get involved, even a parent and child could do a shift together.

“Then the child is learning about helping, they get to help build up the community as well.”

The goal for the kettle campaign in New Waterford last year was $25,000.

“We met our goal last year, we raised about $28,000.

The goal for the campaign this year is $28,000, he added.

“Its just our goal. In the end, it’s about the public and the support we get.”

Downer said the kettle campaign kicked off Friday night in Cape Breton.

“Kettles in some areas came out Friday and then others came out through the weekend. They keep coming (in the different communitie­s) out almost like a progressio­n.”

Downer said if there’s anyone wishing to help with the kettles but who can’t make the meeting, they can call the church at 8623838.

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