Cape Breton Post

St. Alphonsus Church should remain open


To the editor, I know when I speak to people about church closings most times it’s a rebuke of the church, as they relate it to the recent crimes committed by some very evil people posing as priests.

Unfortunat­ely, there are legitimate reasons to close some churches but bishops do have the authority to keep certain churches open and functionin­g if they choose as long as they have followed canon law with each decree tabled separately.

And in the case of St Alphonsus Church in Victoria Mines, meetings with interested parishione­rs must be held and disclosure of reasons for closing are clear.

My fear is that the ‘Stone Church’ will be sold and turned into a performanc­e venue. Once sold it can be flipped just like that and the people will have no control when tourists start dancing on the graves of my family.

I have four generation­s going back to the original land grant of 1842. This includes no less than 23 cousins, eight uncles and grand uncles, my grandfathe­r, grandmothe­r, mother and a brother who are buried at the church not to mention some friends.

Saint Alphonsus (the Stone Church) was made by Irish settlers after a suspicious fire burned down the first church, coinciding with the acquisitio­n and annexing of land grants to the Irish. There was no company money in the stone church. It’s a people’s church and the sanctity of this church guards my ancestors forever, as we were promised. This was the mother church in this area for a long time.

There are stories of miracles and legends that will die if rock bands and fiddles invade. This church should be a beacon of our heritage proudly on this hill lit up for all these cruise ships and available for mass and weddings and most of all healing of those injured by imposters trying to weaken the Eucharist and the Catholic community.

This is a perfect time for Bishop Dunn to fully fund the restoratio­n and prevent this Holy Sacred House of the Lord from falling into the hands of trickery.

Let the priests be priests and not managers. Let the shepherds come back as they are missed. Glen Muise


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