Cape Breton Post

Myanmar elections may be moment of destiny for Suu Kyi


It’s about returning democracy to a nation held hostage to more than a half-century of military rule. It’s about hope for a better life for millions of desperatel­y poor people. It’s about being fully embraced by the internatio­nal community. But most of all, Myanmar’s general election on Sunday may prove to be opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi’s moment of destiny — a chance to seize the victory the junta stole from her 25 years ago.

“I believe in my heart that things are going to change for sure,” said lawyer Kyaw Thu Win, sitting in a sea of red party T-shirts and flags at a recent campaign rally that drew tens of thousands of ecstatic Suu Kyi supporters.

Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy party and its chief rival, the ruling, military-backed Union Solidarity and Developmen­t Party, held final rallies Friday, the last day of campaignin­g before a cooling-off period. Most analysts, observers and journalist­s who have toured the country are certain the NLD will win the elections — if they are free and credible.

An NLD-dominated Parliament would be a democratic milestone for a country that was ruled by the military from 1962 to 2011, when — after intense internatio­nal pressure — it handed power to a nominally civilian government led largely by retired generals. The military still retains many powers, but a majority in Parliament would give the NLD the presidency and control over the shape of the government and lawmaking.

It will also give hope to many of the ethnic minorities who form 40 per cent of the country’s 52 million people. Myanmar is home to some of the world’s longest-running insurgenci­es, fought in regions where ethnic groups are demanding greater autonomy.

“In general, these elections are important because they are the first real indicator of whether the democratic transition is going to take a big step forward or remain in a quasi-civilian middle ground for years to come,” said Thant Myint-U, a historian and government adviser.

Sunday’s elections are not without flaws, which raise concerns about their impartiali­ty. The chair of the election commission is an unabashed supporter of President Thein Sein’s USDP. There have been complaints about voting list irregulari­ties and a large number of disenfranc­hised voters.

But with 11,000 local and internatio­nal monitors overseeing 40,000 polling stations, election observers said they are hopeful any attempts at systematic wrongdoing will be spotted.

 ?? AP PHOTO ?? Myanmar’s opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi leaves a news conference at her home in Yangon, Myanmar, Thursday.
AP PHOTO Myanmar’s opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi leaves a news conference at her home in Yangon, Myanmar, Thursday.

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