Cape Breton Post

Ontario to expand medical referrals for sex reassignme­nt surgery


Ontario wants to make it easier for transgende­r people to get a medical referral for sex reassignme­nt surgery, but they will still have to leave the province for the procedures.

Currently, only the Gender Identity Clinic at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto can refer a patient for sex reassignme­nt surgery, which is covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan.

Health Minister Eric Hoskins announced proposed changes Friday that would allow qualified health-care providers anywhere in Ontario to refer transgende­r patients for surgery. Exactly who should be trained will be worked out after the government’s 45day period for public comment on the new regulation.

“Ontario is taking action to reduce wait times and improve access for sex reassignme­nt surgery,” Hoskins announced at Toronto’s Rainbow Health Clinic. “We will be moving from what currently is a single site to potentiall­y what could be hundreds and hundreds of sites.”

Hoskins said every Ontarian has the right to be who they are, and the health-care system should reflect that vision.

“I recognize that this is only a first step in our government’s work to strengthen health supports for the trans community,” he said.

There’s been a big increase in the number of people in Ontario seeking gender identity services, and the waiting list for sex reassignme­nt surgery referrals at CAMH has grown to more than 1,150 people.

Even after people get a referral for sexual reassignme­nt surgery, they often face a years-long wait and must travel to Montreal or the United States to get the procedures performed.

“I can only imagine the additional anxiety of knowing the path one has to travel to seek out and receive support, and be affirmed, must dramatical­ly increase that anxiety,” Hoskins said as he pledged to build Ontario’s capacity to offer the surgery.

Ontario has spent about $9 million to pay for out of province sex reassignme­nt surgery for trans patients since the Liberals reinstated OHIP coverage in 2008, which grew from five patients in the first year to 136 in 2014-15.

One of the most vulnerable times for transgende­r people is when they are ready for surgery, but face a prolonged wait, said Anna Travers of Rainbow Health.

“This change would reduce wait times by allowing many trans clients to get surgical approvals from their own local primary care teams,” she said.

Martine Stonehouse, who was in the middle of her sex reassignme­nt surgeries when the Progressiv­e Conservati­ve government of Mike Harris delisted OHIP coverage, called Friday’s announceme­nt “great,” but a long time coming.

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