Cape Breton Post

Daughter needs help


Dear Annie: My friend, “Andrea,” is in her early 20s and concerned about her mother, “Joan.” Joan has been diagnosed with schizophre­nia and bipolar disorder, and she has abused prescripti­on and other drugs for as long as Andrea can remember.

A few years ago, Joan was put on disability due to a work accident. She used to have a regular doctor, but since the accident, she’s been jumping from doctor to doctor in order to get more medication. Meanwhile, she won’t take the prescripti­on for her bipolar disorder, since she doesn’t think she needs it.

Lately, Joan has been stranger than usual, hearing voices and showing up at Andrea’s house at all hours, peeking in the windows.

I feel bad listening to Andrea vent every day and not being able to offer any real advice. How can I help her? — Concerned Friend

Dear Concerned: Please suggest to Andrea that she call the National Alliance for Mental Illness Helpline at 800-950-6264 for resources and informatio­n to assist both herself and her mother. NAMI offers support groups for

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