Cape Breton Post

Back to court for school building dispute


SYDNEY — A dispute over a dilapidate­d for school building between the Cape Breton Regional Municipali­ty and the Cape Breton-Victoria Regional School Board is headed back to court. Lawyers for the two sides appeared Wednesday in provincial court during a which a two-day trial was set beginning Nov. 14. Both sides are also scheduled to appear Jan. 26 for a status report on the case. The two sides are locked into a dispute over the former school in Boisdale that has been closed since 1996. The building is considered a fire hazard. The school board suggests the building is owned by the Diocese of Antigonish, while the diocese contends the building is owned by the CBRM, which considers the board the owner of the property. The CBRM has issued a citation against the board for failing to clean up an unsightly premises.

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