Cape Breton Post

YOUR horoscope


For Friday, July 22, 2016: ARIES (March 21-April 19) You feel energized, yet your sixth sense might tell you to maintain a low profile. When you express your mental acumen, others stand back and listen. People are likely to be more communicat­ive if you say less. Tonight: You might not get that call you were waiting for. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Zero in on your priorities, and make it OK if they are all social. The weekend is upon you. A partner might be judgmental and difficult if he or she doesn’t agree with your choices, or if you have not asked for his or her opinion. You could blow your fuse. Tonight: Hang in there. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) On some level, you have a very generous nature. If asked to take on more responsibi­lities, you will say “yes.” You might have been too OK with different requests, because it becomes apparent that you will have to delay your weekend. Tonight: You can blame only yourself. CANCER (June 21-July 22) Your mind wanders to yonder lands and someone at a distance. You might wonder why you have not heard from this person in a while. Seek this individual out, and if you must, show up in person. Be willing to express your caring. Tonight: Let your guard down. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) You finally will enter a period where you become more upbeat. Let go of concerns, and start spending more time with friends and loved ones. Decide your birthday resolution­s now. Don’t allow a child or new friend to cause you problems. Tonight: Enjoy a friendship. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Defer to others, and know what you want in the long run. A family member could be overly demanding, or he or she might cause a problem around your home. As a result, you could decide to change plans and handle this situation first. Tonight: Accept a pal’s invitation. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Clear out as much as you can today; otherwise, you will have to handle it tomorrow. You could opt to start your weekend later than you normally do. You will be pleased and might feel as if you have not a care in the world, and you rarely feel that way. Tonight: Out late. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Tap into your imaginatio­n, and you will come up with a creative solution. If you keep thinking about the beach, you know what to do: Take off ASAP and relax at your favorite spot. Be aware of your budget, as it might not be as expansive as you believe it to be. Tonight: TGIF. SAGITTARIU­SYou might feel (Nov. pressured. 22-Dec. This 21) tense feeling could evolve from a judgment you are making about what others expect from you. Why not check in and find out what they really want? Take others at their word; believe them. Tonight: Head home early. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Keep a conversati­on moving. You might not understand what others expect from you. Ask the right questions, and you’ll get some of the answers you seek. You could be overly tired and not thinking clearly. If so, take a nap as soon as you can. Tonight: After your nap, make plans. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Be aware of your spending, as you could cause long-term damage. On your half-birthday, and the days around it, the planets will deliver your half-year report card. If you experience a lot of flak, make an adjustment. If not, you will receive an A! Tonight: The only answer is “yes.” PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) There are many ways to deal with others while still maintainin­g your space. Someone might make it clear that he or she is upset that you won’t be joining him or her. This person has a right to be upset. Just be flattered, and know that you are valued. Tonight: Go with the flow. BORN TODAY: Actress Selena Gomez (1992), game-show host Alex Trebek (1940), Prince George of Cambridge (2013)

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