Cape Breton Post

Social media scrutiny of Ghomeshi trial could lead to legal reforms: researcher


A researcher studying public reaction to the Jian Ghomeshi case says social media scrutiny of the trial could lead to “crowdsourc­ed reforms’’ for how the legal system handles sexual assault claims.

Mary Rolf, a law student at Dalhouse University, presented her findings in a panel at an internatio­nal law conference in Halifax Tuesday.

“I think it’s unpreceden­ted,’’ Rolf told the room. “You don’t usually hear ordinary Canadians commenting on whether they think the justice system is fair.’’

Rolf said the high-profile case against the former CBC radio host gave social media spectators a rare glimpse into how the criminal justice system works.

“It was an opportunit­y for Canada to really observe sexual assault law processes at work,’’ she said in an interview. “(There was) lots of very valid disagreeme­nt about what could or should change.’’

During the February trial, social media sites lit up with hashtags like #Ghomeshi and #IBelieveLu­cy, spurring a fractious debate about the case and Canada’s sexual assault laws.

Many media outlets livetweete­d the case, with people inside the courtroom responding to social media users’ questions as the trial unfolded online.

“Especially for Canadians without legal training ... it was a great example of people getting engaged in what they were unhappy with,’’ she said. “I think social media could be such a great forum to poll people’s real-time reactions.’’

She said the unpreceden­ted engagement in issues surroundin­g sexual assault represents a shift in Canadian values that could make its way into the law books as a result of mounting pressure for change.

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