Cape Breton Post

House of healing

Toronto couple purchases former church in Dominion and opens its doors to the community


A Toronto couple who moved to Gardiner Mines don’t think it’s unusual to have bought both a salvage yard and a church.

Heather Arapis and her husband, Peter Arapis, purchased the former St. Eugene’s Church and have since reopened it as House of Healing Church of Cape Breton.

Heather said the church is open to everyone.

“We are just non-denominati­onal, Christian believing,” she said. “We are already operating, wanting to do things differentl­y, serve the Lord and do good things in the community.”

It all started over a year ago. Heather said in Toronto her husband had his own business for years, traveling the country dealing in scrap metal parts.

“He would be gone for three weeks at a time. This went on for years.”

One of the customers Peter dealt with was Charlie Boutilier, owner of Boutliier’s Scrapyard in Gardiner Mines.

Peter said he told Boutilier years ago that if he ever wanted to sell his business, to just give him a call. A little over a year ago, Peter said his family was in the process of selling their Toronto home and moving to Greece — his father’s native country — to open a hotel. “We are dual citizens there.” Peter said they were in the final planning stages when all of a sudden he was contacted by the Boutilier family, who wondered if they were still interested in purchasing the business.

“I said ‘Yes — it’s been in my heart forever but we are planning to leave for Greece.’”

But he eventually flew to Cape Breton to meet with the family and, before he knew it, a deal was struck.

Peter said they bought the business on Dec.16, 2015, and he moved to the area in January 2016.

But there was some sadness mixed with the excitement of starting the new venture, as Charlie Boutilier died a few weeks after they bought the salvage business.

“It was like the passing of the torch,” he said, adding that Heather and their three children moved to Cape Breton in July.

Peter has since changed the name of the salvage business to Cape Breton Salvage and Parts.

“I wanted to bring back the history of the steel plant, as that’s what it’s tied to.”

Peter said friends then began telling him about a church in Dominion that was for sale and urged him to go look at it.

“It was in April or May that I then got word from God to go look at the church. “

The couple decided to buy the church and took possession on Nov. 1.

That was when he and Heather began discussing what to do with their new acquisitio­n.

“The CBRM (Cape Breton Regional Municipali­ty) was encouragin­g me to turn it into a university dorm for exchange students,” Peter said. “They suggested it would be good for that purpose and gave me permission to do that.”

However, Peter felt he couldn’t change it into dorms, a place where people might party. He didn’t want to move away from the religious aspect of the building.

Peter said he doesn’t know all the history of the church yet but he does know St. Eugene’s cemetery dates back to 1880.

“Meaning this church has given and received from the community for over 140 years.”

Peter said then they realized the answer was in front of them, seeing as God saw to it that the building was sold to Christian believers.

“I believe God gave it to me as he knows I won’t tear his building down, I don’t have the right to do that. Who are we to tear down what God ordained?

Peter said they went to the CBRM to get a licence to open it as a church, but discovered that where it had always been a church building, it is still considered a church building.

“It was automatic approval

— we didn’t have to change anything.”

Heather said they felt the community needs hope and churches bring hope.

For the first prayer and worship meeting, Heather said they went door-to-door thoughout the Dominion area, inviting the community to give the new church a try.

“We knocked on 300-400 doors.”

At the first meeting 25 people showed up.

“We had a preacher there,” Heather said. “For the next couple of weeks we didn’t have a preacher there but took it upon ourselves to share some Bible

passages, sing and make it a nice time. Another time we just had a sit down with some food.”

Heather said the idea is for the church to be low-key and to do things differentl­y, based on community needs.

“We don’t want too many rules about sitting down, standing up and now we will do this and that. It is more of a relaxed atmosphere,” she added. “We are trying to do something different, something that works for the group we are forming.”

Peter said they are currently working on putting a ministry team together which includes Philip Woodill of the Blue Mills Community Church and Mike

Morrison, former senior pastor of the Cape Breton Harvest Community Church.

Peter said it’s going well. “Now we are going on week nine and have from 15 to 35 people coming out.”

Peter said they haven’t even asked for offerings on Sunday.

“We just want to open up to the community and give back, give the community a chance to save their church.”

Currently, the church is offering weekly Sunday services at 10 a.m. and prayer meetings Fridays at 7 p.m. They are working on starting an Alpha program and will be holding a lamb and pig roast with Greek salad and corn on the cob on Sunday, April 16, at 5 p.m.

Peter said during the evening they will play a video on the life of Jesus.

Anyone wishing any informatio­n or to help out is asked to telephone Peter at 902-577-7600 or Heather at 902-577-7644.

 ?? SHARON MONTGOMERY-DUPE/CAPE BRETON POST ?? Peter Arapis and his wife Heather Arapis, formerly of Toronto and now of Gardiner Mines, new owners of Cape Breton Salvage and Parts, stand in front of the former St. Eugene’s Church in Dominion which they also purchased and have reopened as House of Healing Church of Cape Breton. Heather said the church is non-denominati­onal, offering a relaxed atmosphere, and will be focused towards the needs of the community.
SHARON MONTGOMERY-DUPE/CAPE BRETON POST Peter Arapis and his wife Heather Arapis, formerly of Toronto and now of Gardiner Mines, new owners of Cape Breton Salvage and Parts, stand in front of the former St. Eugene’s Church in Dominion which they also purchased and have reopened as House of Healing Church of Cape Breton. Heather said the church is non-denominati­onal, offering a relaxed atmosphere, and will be focused towards the needs of the community.
 ?? SHARON MONTGOMERY-DUPE/CAPE BRETON POST ?? Peter Arapis and his wife Heather Arapis, formerly of Toronto and now of Gardiner Mines, sit inside the former St. Eugene’s Church in Dominion, which they purchased and have reopened as House of Healing Church of Cape Breton. Peter said it might look like a regular church with the pews and everything, but it will be a more relaxed atmosphere with programs based on the needs of the community.
SHARON MONTGOMERY-DUPE/CAPE BRETON POST Peter Arapis and his wife Heather Arapis, formerly of Toronto and now of Gardiner Mines, sit inside the former St. Eugene’s Church in Dominion, which they purchased and have reopened as House of Healing Church of Cape Breton. Peter said it might look like a regular church with the pews and everything, but it will be a more relaxed atmosphere with programs based on the needs of the community.

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