Cape Breton Post

Shanghai surprise

Cape Bretoner teaching in world’s largest city.


It’s a long, long way from Pleasant Bay to Shanghai.

Jillian Chisholm, 24, has gone from growing up in one of this island’s smallest communitie­s to teaching in the world’s largest city, home to more than 24 million people. While she’s enjoying her current adventure teaching in a large city in a completely different culture, Chisholm has no regrets about her Cape Breton childhood.

“The majority of my childhood was spent growing up in Pleasant Bay,” Chisholm said in a recent email interview. “Growing up in such a rural community was a really wonderful experience. It was a very tight-knit place and everybody knew each other.”

Eventually her parents Margo and Colin Chisholm moved their family to Margaree, so she could avoid two-hour bus rides every day. There, she attended the Cape Breton Highlands Academy and Education Centre for the remainder of her schooling.

“My 10 years at Cape Breton Highlands Academy provided me with a lot of great experience­s and memories. In my high school years I got involved with different clubs, teams, and committees. I had a lot of amazing friends at school, and a lot of really influentia­l teachers who made my time attending school nothing short of incredible. In fact, a lot of the reasons that I decided to go into teaching stemmed from the great influences I had at Cape Breton Highlands Academy.”

Chisholm has always enjoyed travelling so when she noticed that Acadia University offered the final practicum placement in China, she made it known that she was interested.

“We were required to take three TESL (teaching English as a second language) courses, as well as complete a TESL practicum, which involved teaching 10 hours of English to university students at Acadia. That little taste of teaching English to non-native speakers was great insight into what teaching in China would be like.”

In February, she jetted off to Shanghai. You can read about her adventures in her blog at http://jillsblogv­

“I never thought that the little girl from Pleasant Bay who started out in a 20-person school would be teaching in a city with of over 24 million people,” says Chisholm. “Teaching thus far in China has far exceeded my expectatio­ns. I am teaching at two different schools — a middle school and an elementary school — both in the heart of Shanghai.”

While admitting she had some preconceiv­ed notions about what she would be facing, Chisholm says her students continuall­y surprise her with their proficienc­y levels.

“They are a very smart group of kids who I look forward to seeing each day,” she says. “They definitely know how to put a smile on my face. They call me Miss Jill with the golden hair.

The best part about teaching these kids English is when I can see the light go off in their heads and see them begin to understand new vocabulary, and grammar rules. They are all so eager to learn English and to become fluent in it that it’s really them that are making this whole experience count the most.”

The Chinese teaching system tends to be more test-driven and going to high school is not a given there like it is here.

“Middle school students in China have it tough because at the end of Grade 9, they must write a high school entrance exam. In China, high school is not a privilege as it is in Canada. Students here do not have the right to attend high school. They must pass a very rigid exam to gain acceptance to high school where they can then continue to work hard everyday. It may sound bad, but it’s just the way it is here. It is the way it has always been, and you can see it in the everyday citizens of China. They are very hardworkin­g.”

Life in Shanghai has meant some adjustment­s but Chisholm says she’s getting used to it. Schools are cold since the people believe hot, stuffy classrooms are unhealthy. Public washrooms can be a challenge since there are no Western-style toilets nor toilet paper. But the food more than makes up for some of the other difficulti­es. Some of it can be downright scary like duck brains and scorpions but most of it is tasty.

“Aside from the fact that in most of the markets there are live fish, eels, frogs and snakes ready for purchase, I haven’t had any difficulti­es with the food. The food here is actually a lot sweeter that I expected it to be. I’m not sure if it’s just that my body is so used to the high sodium intake in the majority of our Western foods or what, but you can order almost anything here and expect a sweeter taste than a savory.”

Chisholm plans to experience as much of the city as she can while she’s in Shanghai. But her travels aren’t over yet.

“Following my teaching in Shanghai, I will be going to Thailand for some R and R for two weeks,” she says. “Upon my return back to Canada in July, nothing is set in stone yet but, it’s looking like I will be moving to London to teach for a year or two beginning in the fall of 2017.”

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 ?? SUBMITTED BY JILLIAN CHISHOLM ?? Jillian Chisholm is shown here in Shanghai, China, where she will be teaching over the next few months. Spring appears to have arrived there with the cherry blossoms in bloom.
SUBMITTED BY JILLIAN CHISHOLM Jillian Chisholm is shown here in Shanghai, China, where she will be teaching over the next few months. Spring appears to have arrived there with the cherry blossoms in bloom.
 ?? SUBMITTED BY JILLIAN CHISHOLM ?? Jillian Chisholm is shown here teaching in a Shanghai school. Notice that she is wearing a coat and that the students are similarly attired. The Chinese believe hot classrooms are unhealthy and keep the schools cool with the windows open.
SUBMITTED BY JILLIAN CHISHOLM Jillian Chisholm is shown here teaching in a Shanghai school. Notice that she is wearing a coat and that the students are similarly attired. The Chinese believe hot classrooms are unhealthy and keep the schools cool with the windows open.

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