Cape Breton Post

Columnist Kathy Golemiec says it can be time consuming to take care of yourself.

Taking care can be a lot of work

- Kathy Golemiec

Hey there, it’s me, Kathy. So how was your week? Mine was like a car with a flat tire up and down.

I had an appointmen­t with the VON foot clinic to get my toenails fixed so they would stop growing into my toe. I remembered my doctor and nurse both telling me to stop operating on my toes myself and there was no way I could talk them into cutting the toes off because they said I would loose my balance. And the way it is now I walk into to walls and everything in my way so that wouldn’t be a good idea.

The VON did a great job. So that’s what it’s like to have no pain when I move my toes. She said that was the biggest piece of nail she ever took out of a toe. She went right down to the nail bed and took it out. She also said I did great for not screaming.

I went to the YMCA with Vicky last night. It seemed so different going back to the weight room. My oncologist told me to get more exercise to get my heart built up so after the weight room, we went in the pool. The water was so warm but after we got out and went to the showers, they have sliced plastic for doors to keep the heat in the pool area. You talk about cold getting to the showers and going to the lockers.

There aren’t any change rooms so bring extra towels or go into the bathrooms. The old YMCA had eight showers and a few change rooms. This new building has three showers and no change rooms. But other than that the weight room is great. There are a lot of machines so there was no waiting. My body feels good.

Weight Wise: I am staying around the same. I am down to 141.2 so that’s not too bad. All that work all winter and I took off 16 pounds. That’s better than gaining it. So let’s see how I do now that I’m back to exercising. The doctor said about 20 to 30 minutes at a time and no more hour workouts until I see how my body and bones are reacting to the exercise. I hate walking. I used to love to run everyday but those days are gone.

Thank you to the Cape Breton groups for letting me know about the knitted knockers. We have been doing them here now for about two years and yes they are great and they feel so comfortabl­e to wear .

There is also a swimming prosthesis available. They are not completely filled with silicon - they have an area so the water can get under the breast and fill with water to make it work like a suction cup to your body and it stays in place.

Before I found out about them I wore the regular prosthesis in my bathing suit. When I jumped out of the water I had a boob where my belly button is. That sure was a look. It didn’t set any trends, that’s for sure. The breast cancer swimming suits are made so that you have a pocket on the inside to put in your prosthesis.

Thank you for the letters and gifts this week. I was surprised to get cards from Memphis, Ohio, and Georgia. It’s nice to know that people across the border are reading my column. Thank you for letting me know. The lady in Cape Breton that went to St. FX with Phyllis Golemiec, yes, we are related. She was my mother. She passed away five years ago. I miss her everyday. She was a great mother and friend.

Thank you to the man that brought me the hand cream - it works great. Also thanks to the lady that brought me the yarn - the next time you are there, stop and talk to me. I have a few things for you too. I really like hearing from you. And yes, I was in Holy Cross with your children but different grades. Thank you.

My daughter’s birthday was Friday, March 24. How time flies - she is 31. Hope you had a great day Kerry, love you. Kerry lives in Mission, B.C. with her husband Dave and daughter Emma, 3.

Tip of the week: Sometimes life throws you some hard balls and you can’t move out of the way fast enough. It just makes you stronger so the next time it throws you another hardball you will jump out of the way more quickly. And if you can’t move fast enough for that one, keep trying. One of these times you will get it right but never give up. One of these times you will surprise yourself. And you can yell it out, ‘I did it.’

Dad and Janet were over this week and they will be coming over this week. I miss them when they can’t get over but I have to share them with my brothers some times too.

Wanda is so skilled at woodworkin­g, she can think of something and make it. Wanda is my brother Kevin’s girlfriend.

Have a great week folks. Be careful on the ice.

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