Cape Breton Post

Are you honest or truthful?

Action may give you justice but not freedom

- Kevin Mattatal Kevin Mattatall is the pastor of the Cape Breton Christian Fellowship Church. His column appears in the Cape Breton Post twice a month. The Cape Breton Post welcomes comments on his column by email at pastor.kevin@cbfellowsh­

The Bible tells us in the Gospel of John 8:32 “And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”

Jesus was talking about us staying in truth as our key to walking in freedom. The trouble is how we honestly feel sometimes and what is Biblically true is not always the same thing.

If you are walking down the road and someone came along and pushed you down you would feel angry, mistreated and embarrasse­d. If you react according to how you feel at the time you would jump up, scream at them and push them back.

Your feelings say they had no right to push you and they deserve what they got. Your response seemed right in that moment but your actions were void of acting according to Bible truth. Your actions gave you revenge or even justice but it never led you into freedom.

Couples that argue a lot will feel, “I should have never married you! It was a big mistake!” In the light of their feelings they are just being honest but their reaction to each other is full of honest emotion but void of acting in truth.

The truth is you did marry the right person but you are acting and reacting wrong thus giving you wrong results. You respond to get even, win the battle and we all know that hurt people hurt people. You can’t be acting wrong if you hope to find the freedom that comes from acting right.

Someone could tell me that they honestly believe that there is no such thing as God. Does their honest to them statement make their statement true? Does their honesty cause God to no longer be God?

Just because someone is honest about how they feel about you it doesn’t mean that is truly who you are. Real divine truth solves problems and encourages us while honest feelings can put us down and make us feel awful.

Jesus said in Matthew 5:4345 “You have heard that it was said, “You shall love your neighbour and hate your enemy. But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in Heaven.”

When someone hurts me, the truth tells me to love and forgive those that hurt me. My feelings tell me that I’m not a doormat, how dare they treat me like that, I will make them sorry for hurting me! Now I have a choice, will I follow how I honestly feel or will I follow His righteous footprints in the sand?

The outcome of my action will tell whether I stayed in truth or I wandered into the minefield of my honest feelings. It’s great when my feelings are the same as His Divine truth but when they are not, I need to keep the faith and uphold His truth.

God created everyone to live a blessed life.

Jesus said in John 10:10 “... I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly.”

My confidence in you is high that as you walk in truth may the rest of your life be the best of your life. May your days be filled with His love, joy and peace flowing over you in abundance and giving you His freedom.

Jesus said He would build His church so walk in truth and find a good church to attend this weekend.

God bless you all.

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