Cape Breton Post

Teens’ thoughts on pot unchanged after legalizati­on news


Some teens say their likelihood of using weed hasn’t changed since the Liberal government announced details of its legalizati­on plan — though they say it’s made them more aware of informatio­n on both sides of the debate.

Government officials announced Thursday that cannabis would be made legal for recreation­al use by July 2018, and those aged 18 and over will be able to buy and grow a small amount of the drug for themselves. But even as marijuana becomes more mainstream, several teens said their opinions about the drug have remained the same.

Julio Gonzales, 19, said he enjoys using marijuana in moderation, and he doesn’t expect that to change — even smoking pot feels less rebellious than it once did.

He said that in school, he was taught that marijuana was dangerous.

“They kind of classified it with a lot harder drugs like LSD or cocaine, you know? So there was always that kind of ‘villain-y’ look at it. It being really bad for you,’’ he said. He expects that the curriculum might change a bit, but he said he thinks teachers will still advise against teens using the drug.

He said he knows there have been studies that suggest marijuana use in teenagers can be harmful, so he’s in favour of legislatio­n that restricts minors from smoking.

“I guess it’s also kind of hypocritic­al of me,’’ he said, adding that he smokes because he finds that it helps him concentrat­e on schoolwork. Ellie Labbancz, who will be 14 next month, said the news of legalizati­on hasn’t changed her thoughts about pot either — she is still staunchly against it.

She said she understand­s some of the positive arguments for access to marijuana, including that it could reduce drug traffickin­g and crime.

But overall, she said people could still abuse the drug, and that doesn’t sit right with her. She’s worried about the negative health effects, especially on young people’s brains.

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