Cape Breton Post

End of a fuzzy week Expecting surgeon to deal with toe issue

- Kathy Golemiec Kathy’s Diary

Hey there, it’s me, Kathy. You must be having a good week. Mine is fuzzy. Everything is go, go, go.

Even my vertigo is back. I fell over a stool. I flew through the air like Catwoman. Only thing was, I didn’t land like she does. I went bouncing off the coffee table. Sure did hurt.

I have an appointmen­t with the surgeon next week and he will have a look at my toe. Then I guess he will find a day to deal with the problem.

I went to the farmers market to see about booking a space to sell my homemade things. As most of you know I make handmade jewelry. I also sew crafts and knit hats and mitts and crochet baby blankets.

But I was told that I would have to send in an applicatio­n. I was also told that there are other people making jewelry and knit wear so there really isn’t a chance of getting in. So in other words, don’t bother sending in the applicatio­n because you won’t get in. So does that mean if we have two f armers then we have to have two farmers markets? I will have to find somewhere else to sell.

The flea market was good this week. Dad and Janet could not come over – they were not feeling well. Carol and Betty came over instead.

It will be nice to have a sleepin day this week.

I didn’t get through the week with no water or sugar.

Thank you for the cards and gifts. Happy Easter Debbie.

Weight-wise, I am up one pound. I’ll have to try harder this week.

Hope all my readers had a Happy Easter. Hope you didn’t eat too much chocolate and had a happy holiday with your family.

Have a great week folks. Start looking for your rain boots.

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