Cape Breton Post

Wenner reflects on Rolling Stone at 50


Fifty years after he launched an undergroun­d newspaper that changed music journalism and a great deal more, Jann S. Wenner finds Rolling Stone being showcased in a once-unthinkabl­e forum: a museum.

“At least it’s a museum I own,’’ Wenner said with a laugh during a recent telephone interview as he anticipate­d an anniversar­y exhibition at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland, an institutio­n that Wenner helped found in the 1980s. The three-floor “Rolling Stone/50 years’’ exhibit opens today and runs through late November.

There might not have been a Rock Hall or museum without Rolling Stone, which as much as anybody moved rock and the lifestyle around it from the fringes to the mainstream. Rolling Stone not only chronicled music, politics and culture, but it also helped change it, whether through Wenner’s revelatory 1970 interview with John Lennon, the photograph­y of Annie Leibovitz or the “gonzo’’ reporting of Hunter S. Thompson. Among those getting early starts at Rolling Stone were Leibovitz, Thompson, the music critics Greil Marcus and Lester Bangs, screenwrit­er Joe Eszterhas and filmmaker Cameron Crowe.

The common thread among the best Rolling Stone contributo­rs has been “extraordin­ary talent,’’ Wenner says, along with a “sense of purpose’’ and a distinctiv­e way of “seeing our times.’’

The exhibit and accompanyi­ng coffee-table book capture some of the highlights: Thompson’s scathing coverage of the 1972 presidenti­al campaign, the serializat­ion of Tom Wolfe’s “The Bonfire of the Vanities’’ and Michael Hastings’ scandalous­ly candid 2010 profile of Gen. Stanley McChrystal, leading to his departure as commander of U.S. troops in Afghanista­n. Many of the photograph­s are indelible to at least one generation: Meryl Streep in greasepain­t, tugging at her cheek; Bette Midler in a bed of roses; the men and women of Fleetwood Mac laid out on a single mattress; and most painfully, a naked Lennon clinging to a fully clothed Yoko Ono, a Leibovitz portrait taken just hours before Lennon was shot dead in 1980.

Wenner was only 21 when he and his friend and mentor Ralph J. Gleason started Rolling Stone from a San Francisco warehouse in 1967, the first issue dating from November of that year. Youth tycoons are common now, but 50 years ago it was rare for someone Wenner’s age to be running any business, at least one that hoped to make money. His hope then was to bring attention to the music he loved and how it was changing the culture, changes he believed were ignored or belittled by the mainstream media.

 ?? AP PHOTO ?? This undated image released by the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame shows the original logo, top, and the first issue of Rolling Stone magazine, part of an anniversar­y exhibit at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland, Ohio. A three-floor...
AP PHOTO This undated image released by the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame shows the original logo, top, and the first issue of Rolling Stone magazine, part of an anniversar­y exhibit at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland, Ohio. A three-floor...

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