Cape Breton Post

Dinner theatre’s success a community effort

- Yvonne Kennedy Homeville

There is an old African proverb that says ... “It takes an entire village to raise a child.”

Perhaps this thought could be extended to keeping a legion operating in a small rural village in Cape Breton.

Branch 55 Legion in Port Morien has just finished hosting four nights of dinner theatre and it took an entire village to make it happen.

The Port Morien Players have been rehearsing throughout the winter. Under the capable direction of Paulette MacDougall, this comical bunch of “true characters” have perfected their acting skills over the years to produce a show that always delights the audience.

The “Amorous Ambassadou­r” featured Cameron Frost as an Ambassadou­r with a keen appreciati­on for the ladies. This gentleman might be remembered for his tie collection that was recently featured in the Cape Breton Post. Just watching his man’s antics on stage makes me laugh. He doesn’t have to say a word.

All the players outdid themselves with this production.

To prepare meals for four nights requires a small army of volunteers. Kudos to Myrna Murphy and her kitchen crew for delivering a delicious meal every evening.

Behind the scenes are the ladies who quietly arrive in the morning to set the tables, the dishwasher­s who will probably not want to see another dirty dish for a long time and the ladies who baked the desserts. The peeling of vegetables, the cooking of the roasts, the clean-up crew and the servers who efficientl­y delivered a delicious, hot meal to an appreciati­ve audience are all volunteers who work so hard to raise money to keep this facility open.

The audience enjoyed themselves but realized they were doing their part to help out our community.

That’s what Cape Bretoners are known for. We all want our communitie­s to be successful.

The volunteers in Port Morien will catch their breath for a few days before they get ready for the monthly Country Market on May 13. This monthly fundraiser provides a gathering place for residents from far and wide.

Volunteers keep our communitie­s strong.

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