Cape Breton Post

Church must address challenges

Pontifical Yearbook provides data about Catholicis­m around the world

- Robert Coleman Diocesan Voices Robert. F. Coleman is a permanent deacon with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Antigonish. Ordained in 2011 he is currently assigned to St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Parish, serves as chaplain at the Cape Breton Correction­al Centre

The central office of church statistics at the Vatican has recently released the 2017 edition of the Pontifical Yearbook, an annual document that shows the state of the Catholic Church globally.

Concurrent with its publicatio­n was the release by the Holy See press office of a summation of the main statistica­l findings. It states, “The data shown in the Pontifical Yearbook enables some new developmen­ts to be inferred in relation to the life of the Catholic Church in the world, from 2016.”

The Catholic Church is both hierarchic­al and sacramenta­l. Its prime responsibi­lity is to tend to the pastoral needs of the faithful through teaching, governing and sanctifyin­g. To do this effectivel­y the church needs sufficient ordained ministers.

Do we have that capacity at the present time? What about future capacity? The Pontifical Yearbook and the Holy See press office synopsis give valuable insight.

Between 2010 and 2015, the number of priests worldwide increased by less than one per cent. However in 2015, there was an actual decline in the number of priests from the previous year. Whether this decline indicates the beginning of a trend is a matter that will need to be determined through future investigat­ions.

The Pontifical Yearbook also shows a continuati­on of the decline in the number of men discerning a priestly vocation. However, over those same five years the number of bishops increased globally by nearly four per cent. This is in response, at least partly, to a continuing increase in the number of baptized Catholics worldwide.

It is interestin­g to note that the number of permanent deacons globally increased by more than 14 per cent between 2010 and 2015. The Holy See press office release recognizes this to be “a significan­t evolutiona­ry trend” and one that “is improving on every continent at a significan­t pace.” This is having a particular­ly positive impact throughout the Americas and Europe.

As the press office statement suggests any number of things can be inferred from these statistics. It is not enough to just infer however. We must also discern. That involves another dimension of insight entirely.

Certainly we can infer that the church will need to address the pastoral challenges presented by a priesthood that is growing minimally or at the worst in decline.

We can even infer that the significan­t and sustained growth in the permanent diaconate may be telling us something about the value and need of having married clergy in the church.

The relevancy and efficacy of the church, however, will be determined by its view of modern culture.

Does the church wage a culture war against seculariza­tion or engage the culture? A few interestin­g insights can be extracted from a recent Angus Reid Institute survey that was carried out in conjunctio­n with the Cardus think tank’s Faith in Canada 150 program, part of a series of surveys assessing the role of religion and faith in Canadian society today.

It determined that 21 per cent of Canadians are “religiousl­y committed” meaning that they take an active and committed role in their religious tradition and teachings. At the other end are the 19 per cent of Canadians who believe neither in a transcende­nt reality nor institutio­nalized religion. The remaining 60 per cent is divided equally between the “spirituall­y uncertain” who concede that there are spiritual realities but choose not to engage a particular creed or religious institutio­n and the “privately faithful” who hold that faith and faith communitie­s can constitute a personal and societal good but that belonging to such is just not their thing.

Cardus co-founder and executive vice-president Ray Pennings inferred two things from this survey in his comments to The Catholic Register, “We live in a religious society and we may have a secular state but our society is not secular.”

He is able to infer such because the survey shows that 81 per cent of Canadians consider themselves to be religious, spiritual or faith-filled.

And here again the church needs to discern what this means for its mission. It has often complained that Canada has become a thoroughly secular society and has abandoned its Judeo-Christian heritage. But can this be supported in light of the findings of the Angus Reid survey? If it cannot then to continue to engage in a culture war is a counter-productive and even pointless exercise.

Is it not time to discern the need for a new mindset, one which recognizes that this is the moment to engage a society which is more open to religion and its place in the public square than we had thought?

What we need, as a take-away from both the Pontifical Yearbook and Angus Reid Institute/ Cardus reports, is to discern whether we are willing firstly to adopt a new model of being church and secondly whether we have the courage to implement such for a culture that apparently still overwhelmi­ngly embraces the spiritual, albeit in some non-traditiona­l ways and yearns for its relevance.

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