Cape Breton Post

Look beyond first teenage crush

- Ellie Tesher Advice Read Ellie Monday to Saturday. Email Follow @ellieadvic­e. Copyright 2017: Ellie TesherDist­ributed by: Torstar Syndicatio­n Services


: My ex broke up because he lost feelings for me. After two weeks, he returned.

But even though I wanted him, I told him to leave me alone. He did.

A month ago, I sent him a message saying I’m still in love with him. Wrong move!

He replied that he thought I didn’t want to talk to him, and the conversati­on went downhill.

I kept saying clingy-sounding stuff, like “do you miss me?”

I didn’t play it smart, now I’m stuck still loving him a year later and we were only in a relationsh­ip for one month (I knew him for a year before that).

He has a girlfriend – off-andon for four months. They both seem happy and I’m depressed.

I don’t know how to make him jealous. She’s cute and short and I’m just this average girl.

I’m 16, and we’re both in high school.

I was dumb and lost my virginity to him and I really want to give our relationsh­ip another go.

I just want my man back. He makes me feel like the happiest girl in the world, he’s funny, goofy, playful, and he cares about me.

I just need to know how to get him back.

He seems very uninterest­ed in me. I commented on one of his posts on Facebook and he didn’t say anything but was responding to the other girl’s comments. — Lost My Guy

A: You’ve lost yourself, and need to get YOU back.

You’re a teenager with years ahead and mustn’t waste your energy and inner spirit on one short-lived romance.

There will be better relationsh­ips in the future, especially once you recognize that any guy who says he’s “lost feelings” for you after just one month (even after he’s had sex with you), is insensitiv­e and out for himself.

Just because he was your “first” doesn’t mean you owe him continued devotion. Sure he was funny and playful - he wanted to have sex.

But after that, he was gone. Though you blame losing him on your “wrong” move, neither of you knew how to really talk about a relationsh­ip and build a bond, which isn’t surprising at your age.

In other words, despite what other teens may or may not be doing, you weren’t ready for a serious relationsh­ip with a sexual bond, and neither was he, at that time.

Trust me, he’s not your only chance for happiness with a guy. Hold your head high, stop trying to reach him – or you will appear needy and clingy, when you’re really just unsure of yourself.

When school starts again, be open to meeting new friends, trying new activities, sports, interests.

Show that you’re confident and smart enough now to spot a charmer who’s after just one thing.

Value yourself enough to get to know someone and trust them before you get intimate. It’s still your choice.


Teenage relationsh­ips easily suffer from lack of maturity and self-confidence. Take it slow, build trust.

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