Cape Breton Post

More than a trip

Cape Breton to France with open minds and open hearts

- Cindy MacRae Cindy MacRae is a journalist, mental health advocate and animal lover who has just renewed her love of travel. She can be reached at cindymacra­

I felt a bit like a fifth-wheel, tagging along with so many creative and talented people, but when one of the organizers of a recent pilgrimage to Vimy Ridge for Remembranc­e Day invited me along I decided I would be crazy to decline.

It had been 10 years since I had been on a plane, which is nine years too long. I know pilgrimage is a heady word but trip does not do it justice. The group of more than two dozen people was comprised of about one third Cape Bretoners. There were also several members of The Cape Breton Fiddler’s Associatio­n, and even soprano Lorna MacDonald, originally from Port Morien and Creator of the play “The Bells of Baddeck.”

For many of them it was a chance to trace their ancestors who served in the First World War. Though I did not have any direct connection­s, I still found the monuments and cemeteries extremely moving, almost to the point of overwhelmi­ng. So was the generosity of our hosts, the town of Givenchy- en-Gohelle, which is walking distance from Vimy Ridge. There, where they have declared 2017 the “Year of Canada,” you will find a town hall with a Canada room, a library where children learn Canadian geography, a clock that runs on a Canadian time zone and way more Canadian flags flying than French.

I felt like the lucky one in the group from the outset, even before I met our hosts, who billeted us in their homes, fed us most of our meals and escorted us to the various museums, monuments and cemeteries in France and Belgium.

I did not realize how little I knew about the First World War until I learned of the loss of entire families as well as towns and cities that were wiped off the map. I saw sunflowers growing in the Flander’s Fields area. I heard teenage boys on bicycles cheering at me because I was wearing a toque with “Canada” on it. (OK, the toque was planned but the reaction it got was over-the-top.)

A burly bodyguard at the Seine River cruise gave us all high fives because we were Canadian. We asked a beautiful woman wearing a headscarf to take our picture at The Eiffel Tower. I was a bit taken aback when I asked her where she was from and she said, “Switzerlan­d … of Turkish descent.”

I recovered quickly enough to offer up my own DNA.

“Canada,” I said, then laughed, “… of white, Scottish descent.”

She welcomed us to Europe and we all went on our way.

She was a stranger, but then again so were most of the people I was travelling with. Together we broke bread, looked for our ancestors and tried to comprehend the immeasurab­le loss suffered by France and Belgium 100 years ago. Piper John Grant of Sydney played a tune at the monument to The 85th Battalion NS Highlander­s in Zonnebeke, Belgium.

The Highlander­s suffered heavy losses during the third Battle of Ypres in October, 1917, which is also known as The Battle of Passchenda­ele. Fiddler Allie Mombourque­tte of Isle Madame wrote a tune for Vimy Ridge and played it at a special concert for the locals, which included musicians Kolten MacDonell and Bradley Murphy as well as about a dozen other members of the group.

This was not a bucket list trip for me. I had no obvious reason to go. No ancestors to trace (though I found a name over there that may be connected to my family). However, now that I am back I think this trip has made me more thankful to be Canadian, more grateful to live in a peaceful, tolerant country and perhaps even a more ”human” human being.

One thing I know for sure. I will not wait 10 years to get on a plane again. This WAS a bucket list trip for me after all.

From Big Baddeck To Vimy

Ridge: Percy’s Path

“I’m not much of a wordsmith.” Caitlin Hanam announced when I first started following her around cemeteries.

“It’s just about telling your story.” I responded.

Her slightly quiet demeanor hid the kind of good-natured humour and wry wit Cape Breton is known for. So I followed her as she followed the path her distant cousin Percival Anderson took 100 years ago during the First World War. A soldier in The 85th Battalion NS Highlander­s, Anderson, a farmer from Big Baddeck, led the charge that put the Canadian forces over the top of Hill 145 of Vimy Ridge in 1917, and even went back to carry a wounded soldier to safety. Anderson lived through that fight, but was killed six months later at The Battle of Passchenda­ele.

The 27-year old Hanam grew up listening to stories about Percy, as we began calling him. Last month she got the chance to look at his name at the Passchenda­ele monument to the 85th Battalion as well as on the magnificen­t Menin Gate in Ypres, Belgium, which contains the names of 54,000 commonweal­th soldiers who died on the fields of France and Belgium, but whose bodies were never recovered.

After a moving but emotionall­y draining week of visiting cemeteries, museums and Caitlin Hanam is shown beside the story of Major Percival Anderson of Big Baddeck in Givenchy-eh-Gohelle, France. Cindy MacRae of Nyanza and Caitlin Hanam of Middle River were in Paris last month.

monuments, sight-seeing in Paris was a welcome relief.

“Cindy!” she exclaimed, as we came up the stairs and exited the subway. “It’s the Eiffel Tower!”

Clearly I was not demonstrat­ing adequate excitement for the occasion.

“I know!” I said, “But I still can’t believe any of this even happened to me!” Then it was over and we were back home texting each other.

“To tell you the truth, it all seems like a dream,” I said.

“It does,” said Hanam as she sent me a picture of the croissant she had just bought at The Co-op.

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