Cape Breton Post

Sydney accused continues to be on remand


A Sydney man will continue to be on remand pending his sentencing hearing in March after declining to appear in court this week.

Martin Richard Lovell, 37, first informed the court he was ready to appear but later changed his mind and decided to stay in the holding cells at the Sydney Justice Centre.

He was later transporte­d to the Cape Breton Correction­al Centre.

Lovell informed the court, through sheriff deputies, that he would be too disruptive to appear in court.

When asked by deputies if he consented to a further remand pending his sentence, Lovell reportedly told them he didn’t care.

The court interprete­d the response as consent to remand and reminded Lovell that he can apply to have a bail hearing at any time.

His behaviour in court has been so disruptive that he was removed from his trial and the hearing continued in his absence.

He was found guilty on charges including several counts of breaching court orders and a single count of assault.

He is now to be sentenced March 5.

During another court appearance, he informed the court he knew he was going to back to jail and urged the court to simply get on with it to which the court complied and sent him back to jail for a further remand.

When Lovell returns to court in March for sentence, he is also expected to address trial dates on a host of other offences including nine counts of breaching court orders, and single counts of unlawfully being in a dwelling and theft.

Lovell’s court file lists addresses on Lingan Road and Margaret Street in Sydney.

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