Cape Breton Post

Tory leader’s ouster shows positive shift on sexual harassment: Liberals, NDP


Political leaders in Nova Scotia say the Opposition leader’s resignatio­n over sexual harassment allegation­s suggests a positive shift from times when mistreatme­nt of female staff was swept under the rug.

Progressiv­e Conservati­ve Leader Jamie Baillie was forced to quit on Wednesday after an investigat­ion found he acted inappropri­ately and breached the legislatur­e’s policy on workplace harassment.

Premier Stephen McNeil noted Thursday his government brought in the policy around harassment at the legislatur­e in 2016.

“It’s been an important part of my journey as premier of this province that ... people feel safe in their place of work and in their home. It’s why we ... brought in the policy on harassment at Province House,’’ he said.

“We’re continuing to make it easier for people to come forward if they’re being harassed in any way.’’

NDP Leader Gary Burrill said Baillie’s case saddened him, but it also signals that times have changed and that such behaviours “are no longer part of the accepted landscape.’’

Party president Tara Miller has said the Tories launched an independen­t, third-party probe into Baillie’s behaviour after a sexual harassment claim was brought to the party’s attention late last month by a staff person.

Caucus then backed the party’s decision to seek Baillie’s resignatio­n — though few details have been provided to the public about what actually happened.

Multiple Tory MLAs and officials did not return phone calls and emails Thursday.

However, Thursday evening, a party spokespers­on offered some details of how the matter came to their attention.

“I can confirm that the allegation­s were about an incident that happened in December (2017), and the Party became aware in late December and promptly took action,’’ Jennifer Edge said in an email.

Miller has said she is only aware of one individual who has come forward with allegation­s, but she would not say whether the allegation­s result from one incident or multiple incidents over time.

The legislatur­e’s harassment policy definition of harassment includes behaviour that the perpetrato­r knows “would be unwelcome and cause offence or harm,’’ or would “demean, belittle, intimidate, threaten, distress, humiliate or embarrass,’’ the employee.

It may also be discrimina­tion as defined in the province’s Human Rights Act, or would endanger a person’s job.

A spokeswoma­n for the Halifax Regional Police said the force has not received a report or complaint against Baillie.

Observers of Nova Scotia politics say the handling of the Baillie case stands in contrast to past eras.

Author Stephen Kimber chronicled the trial of former Liberal premier Gerald Regan, who was found not guilty on Dec. 18, 1998, of multiple counts of rape and attempted rape.

In his book, “Aphrodisia­c: Sex, Politics, Power and Gerald Regan,’’ Kimber wrote the case was an important turning point because “a group of women had come forward to hold a powerful man to account for his behaviour toward them.’’

Kimber says the Baillie case stands in stark contrast to an era when many with knowledge of harassment were reluctant to come forward.

“It’s a 180-degree turn from Nova Scotia politics of the 1970s . ... It’s important that it’s a political party that decided once it heard the allegation­s to take actions to find out what happened,’’ said the writer.

Michelle Coffin, a former Nova Scotia Liberal Party aide who now teaches political science, said the person who came forward required considerab­le fortitude.

“There’s a lot of pressure there to not rock the boat, to ensure you’re towing the line and not causing any problems for the political party,’’ she said in an interview.

“When you make such claims you can be seen as turning your back on the party. It takes a lot of courage and for political staffers it takes even more courage.’’

Baillie announced last fall he was leaving politics after leading the party for almost seven years, but also said at the time he would remain the head of the party until a new leader was chosen.

David Johnson, a political science professor at Cape Breton University, said the Progressiv­e Conservati­ve party’s rapid response to the allegation­s could limit the negative impact on the party.

“The party has dealt with an embarrassi­ng situation quickly — they’ve lanced a boil,’’ he said, noting that the party has said allegation­s were first brought to its attention in December.

Johnson said he would expect other political parties to take a similar approach, given the growing intoleranc­e for sexual harassment in the workplace — as illustrate­d in the recent wave of allegation­s that have rattled the entertainm­ent industry.

However, Erin Crandall, an assistant professor at Acadia University’s Department of Politics, said it may be early days to conclude the Tories have escaped unscathed.

She says if fresh details emerge, it could still tarnish the image of the Opposition party.

“We don’t know a lot of details yet ... There’s a lot of additional informatio­n we need to know before we make a judgment on how the party conducted itself,’’ she said.

“Was this issue well known in the party, and people were deliberate­ly ignoring it?’’

In Fredericto­n, Progressiv­e Conservati­ve Leader Blain Higgs issued a statement saying the New Brunswick government should review existing legislatio­n that deals with personal and sexual harassment in the workplace, saying the existing law is flawed.

“This is a universal problem that is not peculiar to any enterprise or institutio­n,’’ Higgs said. “It is the culture that needs to change. Women and girls have a right to live and work free from fear of intimidati­on and violence.’’

Higgs said the legislatio­n must be updated because it doesn’t cover legislativ­e and political staff, and government employees.

- With files from Michael MacDonald.

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