Cape Breton Post

Changing identities had consequenc­es

A few weeks away turned into 42 years for Boisdale native


When Boisdale native Jack Morrison was living in Montreal in 1968, he sensed it might be a good time to leave.

His marriage had failed, the FLQ (Front de Liberation du Quebec) was making its presence known through a series of violent incidents in the city and he knew if he were to remain in Montreal, he’d need to learn French to be able to work.

“So I rented a car and in those days you just needed to show your driver’s licence — you didn’t need a passport — and the young lady at Immigratio­n asked where were you going,” recalled the 80-year-old in a recent interview from Toronto. “I said I’m going on a vacation and when she asked how long, I said a couple of weeks.

“Well, a couple of weeks turned into 42 years.”

It was the beginning of a life that could be the basis of a rollicking bestseller or a screenplay.

Orphaned at an early age and abused by an uncle, Morrison ran away from his Boisdale home when he was 14.

He joined the army and eventually made it to Quebec where he married and worked but when that didn’t work out, he knew it was time to keep moving.

Morrison ended up in California where he followed a unique line of work to survive.

“At the time I had a small talent for shooting pool and in order to survive everyday I had to do a little bit of hustling with the pool so I was making a few dollars shooting pool which paid for my rent, my food and whatever,” he said.

Eventually he went back to school and studied salesmansh­ip and sales management. And somehow, he lived, married a few times and worked at a series of successful sales jobs across the U.S. He sold shoes, expensive suits in New York City and cars in California and New Orleans.

He even managed a large vehicle dealership with 127 employees at one point.

Although he never officially divorced his Canadian wife, he married an Italian woman in New York City, divorced her and then remarried her and

they stayed together for 19 years before they divorced for the second time.

Morrison even managed to survive hurricane Katrina when it hit New Orleans in 2005.

In 2010, his life would change drasticall­y yet again, thanks to a decision made years earlier to change his identity and make it easier for him to work in the U.S.

At one point, he had worked in a New Orleans bar and was given the opportunit­y to obtain U.S. documentat­ion. It would mean he would no longer have to be paid under the table. He chose a name and knocked 10 years off his age since it’s easier for a younger person to get work. At the time it seemed like a good move but it would eventually come back to haunt him.

“I threw away all my Canadian identifica­tion and I changed my name to Owens, Jack Owens,” he said. “That was a mistake.”

Years later, when he was ready to retire and wanted to draw on his social security, everything came crashing down.

When the social security office called him, he was told to bring his birth certificat­e to the local office so he could start receiving cheques.

“I showed them my birth certificat­e which is Canadian and they looked at it and said what is this?” Morrison said. “I said it’s my birth certificat­e. I’m from Canada but I’m married to an American girl and apparently when you marry an American you automatica­lly get dual citizenshi­p and she said no, no, they changed the law in 1987. “I said, oh really?” Morrison hired two immigratio­n lawyers to further pursue the matter but in the end, he had to sell everything before being deported back to Canada just before Christmas 2010.

He concedes that if he hadn’t changed his name and had followed the proper route to immigrate to the United States, he would still be living in that country and drawing around $3,300 month in social security.

Morrison now lives in Toronto.

He came back to Cape Breton in December to repay some money he owed to a cousin.

At the same time, he was reunited with his sister Jean MacDonald, who is 10 months younger. The meeting came as a surprise since he thought she still lived in Burlington, Ont. and didn’t know she had moved back to Cape Breton.

MacDonald lived in Ontario for nearly 50 years before returning to her childhood home 18 months ago and says unlike her brother, she’s led a much quieter life, focused on family.

“It was really nice to see him again,” she said of the holiday reunion.

The two spent time together over the holidays before Morrison returned to Toronto on New Year’s Day.

 ?? SUBMITTED PHOTO ?? Jean MacDonald, left, and Jack Morrison are shown last month at a Sydney restaurant. The brother and sister, who are originally from Boisdale, reunited over the holidays.
SUBMITTED PHOTO Jean MacDonald, left, and Jack Morrison are shown last month at a Sydney restaurant. The brother and sister, who are originally from Boisdale, reunited over the holidays.

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