Cape Breton Post

Syria: A carnival of treachery

Turkish army poised to eliminate the rest of the Kurdish-led ‘Syrian Democratic Forces’

- Gwynne Dyer Gwynne Dyer is an independen­t journalist whose articles are published in 45 countries.

There are comical elements in the current Turkish invasion of northern Syria. Its name, for example: Operation Olive Branch. Or the frantic backpedall­ing by U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson about the announceme­nt that triggered (or at least provided a pretext for) the Turkish offensive.

A week ago the U.S. declared that it was building a new 30,000-strong ‘border security force’ in the territory controlled by the Syrian Kurds along the Turkish border. It would be backed by 2,000 U.S. troops, who would remain there indefinite­ly. Whereupon Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan exploded, and declared that his army would strangle this new Kurdish ‘terror army’ in its cradle.

Tillerson, who had been attending a pointless meeting in Vancouver of all the countries that sent troops to fight in the Korean War 67 years ago, was caught on the hop, and quickly denied it all. “That entire situation has been misportray­ed, misdescrib­ed, some people misspoke. We are not creating a border security force at all,” Tillerson said on the way to the plane. The lack of adult supervisio­n in Washington extends beyond the White House.

In any case, too late. The Turkish army is now fighting its way into the Kurdishcon­trolled Afrin enclave, with further operations promised to eliminate the rest of the Kurdish-led ‘Syrian Democratic Forces’ that the United States used to destroy Islamic State’s troops in eastern Syria. From Erdogan’s point of view, all Kurds are bad Kurds.

And Washington, as predicted, is betraying and abandoning its Kurdish allies. They were useful at the time, but it’s more important to keep Turkey happy. It’s the most powerful country in the Middle East, it’s a NATO ally (with the second-biggest army in the alliance), and it controls the Straits that give the Russian navy access to the Mediterran­ean. So the United States confines itself to urging ‘restraint’ on the Turks.

That’s what great powers say when they have no intention of intervenin­g to stop something bad from happening – and the Russians are also urging restraint, so they are not going to stop the Turks either. The ally the Russians are betraying is the Syrian regime led by Bashar al-Assad.

“We warn the Turkish leaders that if they start fighting in the region of Afrin, it will be seen as an aggression by the Turkish army against the sovereignt­y of Syria,” said Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad last week, adding that Syria would shoot down any Turkish planes bombing Afrin. But then Turkish military and intelligen­ce chiefs flew to Moscow on Thursday and got Russian and Iranian approval for their bombing campaign.

The Damascus regime hates Turkish tanks on its soil, but it accepts Moscow’s hands-off policy because it still depends on Russian and Iranian military support for its remarkable come-back in the Syrian civil war. Besides, it suspects that America really was planning

to create a Kurdish-ruled protectora­te in the northeaste­rn part of Syria as a U.S. base and counter-weight to the Russian presence in the country.

Why has Russia given the green light for the Turkish invasion? Because Vladimir Putin senses an opportunit­y to pry Turkey out of NATO and make it a Russian ally. That’s probably not going to happen, but Turkey has just bought $2.5 billion of Russian arms so he has some reason to hope. And he too suspects that the United States was planning to use the Kurds to maintain a

foothold in Syria.

In fact, everybody is lying, everybody has ulterior motives, and the Syrian people’s best interests are the last thing on anybody’s mind. Business as usual, in other words, including the usual betrayals.

This is a very old game, so old that the rulers of the first Sumerian city-states would recognize it. Indeed, even the head-men of warring aboriginal tribes in the New Guinea highlands would understand what is going on in Syria now – and realize that it is probably inevitable but generally


A few thousand people get killed, a few pawns move on the strategic chessboard, and then it’s time for the next round. Once in a while things get out of hand and a great deal of death and destructio­n ensues over a broad area, but not often: maybe every second generation. And there is no final outcome: the leading players change from time to time, but the game never ends.

“Why has Russia given the green light for the Turkish invasion?”

 ?? AP PHOTO ?? A view of the Calik mosque damaged from a rocket attack Wednesday night, in the town of Kilis, Turkey, near the border with Syria, on Thursday. Two rockets fired from inside Syria hit the mosque during evening prayers and a house wounding at least 13...
AP PHOTO A view of the Calik mosque damaged from a rocket attack Wednesday night, in the town of Kilis, Turkey, near the border with Syria, on Thursday. Two rockets fired from inside Syria hit the mosque during evening prayers and a house wounding at least 13...
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