Cape Breton Post



As a U.N. cease-fire failed to take hold in Syria, Russia on Monday ordered a daily “humanitari­an pause’’ to allow civilians to evacuate an embattled rebel-held enclave near Damascus, while airstrikes continued and Syrian ground forces fought to push into the besieged area from the west.

But civilians caught in the violence mocked Russian President Vladimir Putin’s order of a limited, five-hour daily truce.

“It is like legitimizi­ng the strikes on civilians,’’ said activist Firas Abdullah, a resident of Douma, a town in the region where at least 13 members of a family were killed Monday when their home collapsed after an airstrike.

“They will be so kind to grant us a mere five hours when they will not bomb us. Then the rest of the day, they will bomb us as usual. It is like a permission to kill,’’ Abdullah said.

A weekend resolution approved by the U.N. Security Council for a 30-day cease-fire across Syria failed to stop the carnage in the eastern Ghouta region that has killed more than 500 people since last week.

At least 34 people were killed Monday by airstrikes and shelling, according to the Syrian Observator­y for Human Rights. The U.N. estimates that nearly 400,000 people live in dire conditions from the siege in eastern Ghouta, which has been under intensive bombing by government forces for weeks.

Other Ghouta residents also scoffed at the Russian move, saying it reminded them of a similar one for a besieged eastern district of Aleppo in 2016.

Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said Putin has

ordered daily “humanitari­an pauses’’ between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m., starting Tuesday.

Maj. Gen. Yuri Yevtushenk­o, head of the Russian military’s Center for Reconcilia­tion in Syria, said Syrian authoritie­s set up a “humanitari­an corridor’’ for evacuating civilians and would distribute leaflets with specific informatio­n. He said the al-Qaida-linked militants and some rebel groups in eastern Ghouta are preventing civilians from leaving and using them as human shields while continuing to shell Damascus.

The political leader of the Army of Islam, the strongest rebel group in eastern Ghouta, called the Russian order “regrettabl­e,’’ saying Moscow sought to circumvent the Security Council’s unanimousl­y approved resolution.

“This (Russian) decision nullifies the legitimacy of the United Nations,’’ Mohammed Alloush of the Army of Islam told The Associated Press. “We

want a total and lasting ceasefire in accordance with the U.N. resolution and one that opens corridors for humanitari­an aid.’’

On Sunday, activists reported a suspected poison gas attack in eastern Ghouta’s town of Sheifouniy­eh, where at least one person — an infant — was killed.

The attack also left several people and paramedics with breathing difficulti­es, according to the opposition’s Syrian Civil Defence, a group known as the White Helmets. The Ghouta Media Center, an activist collective, also reported the incident, saying chlorine gas was used. The Observator­y said it could not confirm the reports.

The Syrian American Medical Society, a medical relief organizati­on working with doctors in Syria, said it was the fourth time this year that a chemical weapon was used in Ghouta. SAMS also said 24 health facilities in Ghouta came under attack over the last week.

 ?? AP PHOTO ?? A Lebanese woman holds a placard during a protest in solidarity with residents of the Syrian capital’s eastern suburb of Ghouta, in front the Russian embassy in Beirut, Lebanon, Sunday.
AP PHOTO A Lebanese woman holds a placard during a protest in solidarity with residents of the Syrian capital’s eastern suburb of Ghouta, in front the Russian embassy in Beirut, Lebanon, Sunday.

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