Cape Breton Post

Consumed by fear

Sometimes you get attacked for giving good advice

- Kevin Mattatal Kevin Mattatall is the pastor of the Cape Breton Christian Fellowship Church. For comment or prayer email: pastor.kevin@cbfellowsh­

At times the enemy tries to attack and condemns us through a problem that we are currently having.

His plan for victory over us is to plant bad seeds in our mind with the hopes that they will grow and overtake our entire thought life.

We soon can become consumed and tormented with fear over what the outcome of the problem might be. You were told that you need to see your doctor and the fear whispers, ‘what will the outcome be?’ Your child leaves home and refuses to talk to you and fear whispers, ‘what will their future be?’ You heard that there will be layoffs at work and fear whispers, ‘will you be able to find another job?’

If you were molested by an uncle when you were a child, when you get older you may not be able to disconnect your damaged emotions from the past with any uncle that you meet today.

We have the ability to allow our current hurts and problems to affect our view of the future. That’s why the past problems from our childhood can affect our present view of life.

For me as a child I would bury my hurts and remove my emotions from the events. I would disconnect my feeling in hopes that it would protect me from trying to deal with it. It wasn’t the correct way to handle things but it was my way of escaping the emotional pain that I was going through.

After years of talking to people from almost every walk of life I can safely say that we’ve all experience­d some emotional hurts in the past. The question is not having you ever been hurt but how have you handled the hurts you’ve had?

Did you allow them to take root and consume your thinking and control your future? Or did you bury them like me and pretend that they never happened?

In both of these wrong ways to react to past hurts, we can develop the attitude that everyone’s good advice towards us is a personal attack against us. Have you ever tried to give someone good advice and they reacted like someone who was under attack? That’s what I’m talking about.

If these wounded emotions are never properly fixed and healed, we will always be unable to tell the difference between helpful advice and condemning correction. The good news is our God has provided for us a sure journey to freedom. All we need to do is travel to the foot of the old rugged cross where Jesus died before God and on behalf of us.

It’s there in that place we need to repent and accept Jesus as our Saviour and Lord. It’s there in that place that impossible things can happen. It’s there in that place that we accept His amazing grace and cast down our heavy burdens.

You may ask, would Jesus really do this for you? John 1:12 “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.” This promise is repeated in Romans 10:13 “For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

Find a good church to attend where you can learn more about how to heal your wounded emotions and accept His Divine love. Also allow the Holy Spirit to help you to move forward into a brighter future and discover a better way of living. My confidence in you is high, you are a success in the making. God bless you all.

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