Cape Breton Post

Finally being heard through #MeToo

- Ellie Tesher Copyright 2017: Ellie Tesher Distribute­d by: Torstar Syndicatio­n Services

People keep sending me their #MeToo stories, to finally be heard and believed.

The sheer numbers of stories are also the message. As reported in the New York Times Feb. 21, a new U.S. national online survey conducted in January reported that 81 percent of women and 43 percent of men said they’d experience­d sexual harassment or assault over their lifetimes ó higher than most other studies and polls have suggested.

#MeToo – “I was 14 when I was repeatedly sexually abused by one of my dad’s drinking buddies.

“I was shy and awkward, living in poverty with an unemployed alcoholic father and a distanced mother. I felt very isolated.

“The predator knew it was unlikely that I’d tell anyone.

“I’m in my mid-50s now, welladjust­ed, run a successful business, have a happy marriage.

“But I’m still needing to heal from the guilt and shame because I let it happen.”

#MeToo – “At 21 I was a student optician working with an optometry company’s optometris­t. He had three daughters.

“He was constantly flicking my butt. He tried to kiss me and would comment on how “sexy” I looked in a particular dress.

“I knew if I said anything I’d be the one the company would let go.

“After working with him for five years I grew enough courage and said, “If you ever touch me again, I’m going to cut your tie.” He never touched me again.”

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