Cape Breton Post

Hard to say goodbye

Time for columnist to step back

- Kim Sheppard Kim Sheppard was born and has raised her own family in Whitney Pier. She is a community volunteer and active in labour relations. She is employed with Mental Health/Addiction Services, health promotion and prevention.

It is with deep sadness that I announce that this will be my last article for the “Pier Dear.”

Although I am sad to say goodbye, it gives me much joy to introduce you to the person that will take over contributi­ng articles about Whitney Pier to the Cape Breton Post, Robyn Martelly.

You know what they say. “Out with the old, in with the new.”

Like me, Robyn grew up in the Pier and although many millennial­s have opted to move away, Robyn has decided to live in Cape Breton and continue being a contributi­ng resident of Whitney Pier.

I first was introduced to Robyn’s writing on Facebook over a year ago. When I made the decision to discontinu­e my writing, Robyn was the first person I thought of - someone young and who enjoys writing. We have many great storytelle­rs in Cape Breton, but how many young storytelle­rs do we have? There is a new generation and there is a need for them to take over the talent of storytelli­ng.

I have enjoyed my time writing about the Pier and each time I would think of giving it up something would happen that would make me think of another story. I am so grateful for the opportunit­y to be able to write these articles and thankful for the people who helped me tell their stories. Whitney Pier is full of stories, past and present with plenty of more to come in the future and I hope that Robyn enjoys her time writing those stories as much as I did.

It’s hard to let go but I’ve come to a crossroad in my life where I want to spend more time alongside others to work towards bringing Whitney Pier back to the way it was when businesses were booming and a community of culture was being built. We may not have the booming business any longer but we still have plenty of culture which is a booming business itself. I believe we have to somehow make the rest of the world see the Pier as we the community members see it, not just as a melting pot but also as a pot of gold. I want to join others in the community to make that happen.

The time has now come to pass over the reins. It has been gratifying to spend time connecting with the community and to share my insights in the Pier Dear column. I have learned more about my community the past few years writing this column then I have living in Whitney Pier for the last 50 years. I have received more from the readers than they have from me.

Anyone who has read my column, I thank you for your support and assure you that you will enjoy the writings of Robyn Martelly. I am very enthused about Robyn’s upcoming articles and cannot wait to read them.

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