Cape Breton Post

Jewish community commemorat­es Yom HaShoah on Sunday


SYDNEY, N.S. — Join the Cape Breton Jewish community for their annual Yom HaShoah ceremony at the Temple Sons of Israel Synagogue in Sydney on Sunday at 2 p.m. Yom HaShoah is a day which commemorat­es the victims of the Holocaust, emphasizin­g the suffering inflicted on millions of European Jews by the Nazis. The program includes a candleligh­ting ceremony with candles lit by members of the Cape Breton Regional Police Service and a talk by Allen Rosenfeld, author of “Holocaust Lumber” and the son of two Holocaust survivors.

Rosenfeld grew up in Toronto and graduated from the University of Toronto Medical School in 1984 and McMaster Family Medicine in 1986. He obtained his Diploma in Occupation­al Health and Safety from McMaster University in 1993 and his fellowship with the Canadian Board of Occupation­al Medicine in 2007. He continues to provide occupation­al medicine consultati­on to several large employers in the Greater Toronto Area and is an active family physician in West Mississaug­a. Rosenfeld had always had a passion for writing and selfpublis­hed his first full-length book “Holocaust Lumber,” which tells the story of his teenage and early adult years working on the family lumber yard. The book was nominated for the Mississaug­a Cultural Heritage Awards in 2017, and was entered into the Canadian Museum for Human Rights in Winnipeg.

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