Cape Breton Post

Time of new beginnings

But the dizzy spells remain

- Kathy Golemiec

Hey there, it’s me, Kathy. Just because we have a bit of snow on the ground, the signs of spring are also starting to show themselves: new cars, lighter clothes and the children are waiting to get out of school for summer.

I can’t wait for summer to walk Thunder and go to yard sales. That is one of my favourite things to do. I never miss one unless it’s too far away.

I started walking around the mall.

OK, I did it once.

It’s still a start.

Spring is also the time when people feel more open emotionall­y and new relationsh­ips begin.

And less romantical­ly, it’s a time to change the batteries in the smoke detectors and change your toothbrush.

I lost almost 10 pounds so far.

The dizzy spells still haven’t gone away. Dad and Wayne put a railing similar to the ones found on hospital beds on my bed so I won’t fall out face first.

Last week I hit the wall and had the wall phone fall and hit me on the head. The VON was here when that happened. I was falling face first towards the floor but she caught me before I hit.

I also fell down the outside step that last ice storm we had. I still think I have splinters in my bottom side.

April 26 is my son-in-law’s birthday. Happy birthday Dave and have a great day. Emma will make sure you will.

Vicky and I went walking in the mall. I made it once and our legs were so sore Dad got me a walker with wheels and brakes. Well I felt my age with that. Next time I will take the cane.

Another place we found was a new shop on Ford St., Home Decor. They buy and sell vintage antiques and anything different that has a story behind it.

We try not to miss the good sales and I even had it marked on the fridge for the 50 per cent off sale at Summer St. Darn.

We went to the healing touch session. I remember when I couldn’t get Vicky to go to it and now she enjoys going. I always did enjoy going but I feel the healing the next day. It’s every second Tuesday. It will be this week coming at the New Glasgow fire hall. I hope to see you there. It’s upstairs and there will be lots of people there to see you get in. Everyone is very friendly there and there is a fee of $4.

I better go collecting bottles now so I can go.

I have to get a heart scan the end of the month.

I have to stop touching buttons that I don’t know what they are for. I was doing fine up to this paragraph. Oh well, you all can still read it.

I talked to my friend in Glace Bay, Geraldine. She is a greatgrand­mother for the second time.

Dad and Janet were over and they did the flea market for me. I wasn’t feeling great so I stayed home. For some reason I got very depressed when the doctor told me I had days or months to be on this planet. I got scared but I’m over it now.

This just shows those people who are strong get scared sometimes too.

I’ll be at the flea market this week.

Have a good week and I hope there will be no more snow.

Kathy Golemiec is a native of Glace Bay who now lives in Pictou County. She is outlining her journey with cancer each week through this column. She can be reached at The News, PO Box 159, New Glasgow, N.S. B2H 5E3.

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