Cape Breton Post

Exceptiona­l contributo­rs

Nominees sought for Katharine McLennan Award


Nomination­s are now being accepted for a prestigiou­s award that recognizes exceptiona­l contributi­ons to the areas of arts, culture or the historical preservati­on of Cape Breton Island.

The Katharine McLennan Award is named for the daughter of Senator J.S. McLennan.

They were strong advocates for the designatio­n of the Fortress of Louisbourg as a National Historic Site and spent years researchin­g the eventual partial reconstruc­tion of the mid-18th century fort.

“Katharine’s life was spent in service to her community,” said Catherine Arseneau, cultural resources director at Cape Breton University, who explained that the award came about through a partnershi­p between the Beaton Institute, the Cape Breton Regional Library, the Fortress of Louisbourg Associatio­n and Parks Canada.

“She served as a Second World War nurse, she was an artist and photograph­er and a community developer of museums and libraries, so this award is a fitting legacy of her work and a way to recognize those among us who give so much to the culture of our island today.”

For those interested in learning more about this remarkable woman, both the regional library and the Beaton Institute boast collection­s containing archival informatio­n including letters, documents, photograph­s and works of art. Informatio­n is also available by visiting www. to access the Through Her Eyes: Katharine McLennan website.

The awards committee is accepting nomination­s until June 15 and will honour this year’s recipient at a Sept. 6 ceremony at the Fortress of Louisbourg.

The previous recipients are John C. O’Donnell (2013), Shirley Chernin (2014), Ronald Caplan (2015), Rosemary McGhee (2016) and Margaret “Margie” MacInnis (2017).

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