Cape Breton Post

Integrity of Baille Ard forest a concern

- David Gabriel Sydney (President, Baille Ard Recreation Associatio­n)

The Baille Ard Recreation Associatio­n acts as stewards of the Baille Ard Nature Trails that wind through the Baille Ard forest and along its brooks in Sydney.

This wonderful natural environmen­t, which is within walking distance of many Sydney residents, also draws people of all ages from all over the Cape Breton Regional Municipali­ty (CBRM), as well as visitors to our community. Importantl­y, this rich storehouse of natural history is on the doorstep of students from preschool to Grade 12.

Our group members are also residents of Sydney’s south end and many of us grew up near the Washbrook. We fully appreciate the consequenc­es of the Washbrook flooding. We accept the importance of developing and acting on a reasoned plan to mitigate flood damage.

Moreover, we have legitimate and considered concerns that must be addressed about the future of the mature Acadian forest in Baille Ard and of the two healthy brooks that wind through it. We understand that a forest is, of course, more than trees. It is comprised of many species of plants and fauna interactin­g in surprising­ly complex ways from the soil to the crowns of the trees.

The forest as it stands provides an important function in regard to water flow and retention that should not be minimized. We have seen too many wetlands and forested areas in our streams’ watersheds cut down and covered over. Too many of our streams’ flood plains have been filled in and developed.

Remember that: “One large tree can lift up to 100 gallons of water out of the ground and discharge it into the air in a day. One large tree can provide a day’s supply of oxygen for up to four people’” project/treesofstr­ength/treefact.htm

Our concerns are for the integrity of the healthy Acadian forest in Baille Ard and the wildlife there. Likewise, we are focused on the integrity and accessibil­ity of the trail system for our citizens.

In recent conversati­ons with CBRM staff, I have been reassured that our group will be allowed a voice in the shaping of flood mitigation plans in regard to our concerns for the integrity of the Baille Ard forest. We look forward to this open process.

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