Cape Breton Post


Conservati­ves gather in Halifax for last convention before next year’s federal election

- Jim Vibert Jim Vibert, a journalist and writer for longer than he cares to admit, consulted or worked for five Nova Scotia government­s. He now keeps a close and critical eye on provincial and regional powers.

Former CBRM developmen­t officer in court with wrongful dismissal suit.

One of the more difficult tasks in current Canadian politics is to define the Conservati­ves.

The ideologica­l wingspan of the party stretches from Red Tories who cling to the progressiv­e traditions once promoted by leaders like Stanfield and Clark, to the social conservati­vism and pompous populism of Ontario Premier Doug Ford. It engulfs the considerab­le residue of the western Reformers and, for now at least, an upstart anti-immigrant splinter group given voice – or tweet – by Quebec MP Maxime Bernier.

How can a political party with that much bandwidth stay focused and unified? It’s not easy, but all the various parts come together in common contempt for Grits. That too has a range, from simple disdain to outright loathing.

Conversely, the NDP is easy to define, out there on their social democratic island, only occasional­ly connecting to the political mainland when a bridge is built by a popular leader. Liberals are philosophi­cally amorphous, perhaps more than the Tories, but at heart everyone knows the Liberal Party exists to win and govern Canada. Ideology is made to fit that purpose.

Tories are happy to recite the Conservati­ve mantra that more unites than divides them, yet the progressiv­es in the party – and more than a few of the political pros – bristle visibly when social conservati­ves insist on pushing anti-abortion resolution­s. That richly symbolic issue was neatly put to rest years ago by Stephen Harper, but with him gone it has returned.

The divisions in the party will be papered over as seamlessly as possible this week when the party gathers in Halifax for its last convention before next year’s federal election. The party hierarchy hopes to leave Nova Scotia united and with election preparatio­ns in high gear.

Party insiders don’t lie awake fretting their internal ideologica­l divisions. Those are explained away as representa­tive of the various conservati­ve political traditions of the country. The east coast is a bastion of Red Tory progressiv­ism, which resonates elsewhere, too.

The western populist conservati­sm that gave rise to the Reform movement is alive and well across the Prairies to the foothills and echoes, en francais, in the libertaria­n philosophy heard from some Quebec Conservati­ves.

Whether potentiall­y divisive policy resolution­s – like the one that would reverse the party’s hands-off position on abortion law – make it to the convention floor depends on their fate in one of three breakout groups that will rank, recommend or kill resolution­s before they get to the full convention.

There’s also a potential dustup over money. Some members advocate changes to the management of the Conservati­ve Fund Canada, the party’s highly successful fundraisin­g mechanism. Dating back to Harper and his absolute control, the fund’s directors are named by the leader. A constituti­onal change has been proposed to give the party’s national council, with representa­tion from every province, power to appoint the fund’s directors.

The prominence of some potentiall­y divisive policy resolution­s and the attempt to decentrali­ze fundraisin­g are symptomati­c of a change in leadership style and a shift in power in the party.

Stephen Harper ruled the Conservati­ve Party he helped create – with former Nova Scotia MP Peter MacKay – with an iron fist.

In his first year as leader, Andrew Scheer has loosened central controls, in some cases by choice, while others are slipping from him because he doesn’t command the authority, or the fear Harper engendered.

But this convention is really all about getting the party ready to fight Liberals, and that prospect has more than a few Conservati­ves worried.

The source of their anxiety isn’t so much the popularity of Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government – it is lukewarm and uneven – rather, it’s the NDP’s apparent slide under the novice leadership of Jagmeet Singh.

Tories don’t like the idea of fighting Liberals head-to-head in places like Greater Toronto, the southern mainland of British Columbia and yes, down east.

But NDP support appears to be on the wane and may be on the verge of collapse in those places and many more.

The electoral chances of Conservati­ves improve significan­tly when the centre-left vote is split between Liberals and New Democrats, but with the NDP stuck at its traditiona­l highwater mark, with support from fewer than one in five voters nationally, that split may not materializ­e in 2019.

Although polls have the Tories and Liberals in a virtual deadlock, Conservati­ves know that in seat-rich Ontario, voters are likely to hedge their bet on Doug Ford’s Conservati­ves by backing Justin Trudeau’s Liberals next fall.

If that happens, for the nearterm at least, you can define Conservati­ves as the party of opposition.

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 ?? CP PHOTO ?? Conservati­ve leader Andrew Scheer rises during Question Period in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa in this file photo from June 20. In his first year as leader, Scheer has loosened central controls, in some cases by choice, while others are slipping from him because he doesn’t command the authority, or the fear former party leader Stephen Harper engendered.
CP PHOTO Conservati­ve leader Andrew Scheer rises during Question Period in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa in this file photo from June 20. In his first year as leader, Scheer has loosened central controls, in some cases by choice, while others are slipping from him because he doesn’t command the authority, or the fear former party leader Stephen Harper engendered.
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