Cape Breton Post

Looking at the scenarios

Councillor wants formal discussion about potential scenarios related to Clarke’s leadership bid


With the Nova Scotia PC Party leadership race ongoing, a local councillor is asking for a meeting to discuss numerous scenarios.

Dist. 8 Coun. Amanda McDougall is seeking a session to be held to discuss potential scenarios — all related to Mayor Cecil Clarke’s leadership bid — and Cape Breton Regioanl Municipali­ty council’s preparatio­n for potential outcomes.

The scenarios include Clarke successful­ly winning the leadership bid, as well as the 50-yearold winning the leadership bid and staying on as the municipali­ty’s mayor. The other scenario includes Clark not winning the leadership bid and returning to his regular duties.

“We need to really understand what impact each of these scenarios can have on the work flow,” McDougall said. “This is not about anybody’s personal decisions, this is simply about making sure that all active files can continue being active with no disruption.”

McDougall put forward her motion during a general committee meeting on Tuesday. The motion was passed by council. The date was not officially confirmed for the meeting. However, McDougall has asked for it to take place by the end of September.

McDougall has also requested a third party-led planning session be held later this month where council and administra­tion can collective­ly discuss and produce plans for the potential scenarios.

“There are so many potential scenarios here,” McDougall said. “I like to have a plan, and I know there is a lot when it comes to this type of job that is unscripted and that you never know what the days will bring, but you can be prepared as much as possible.”

Clarke is among five candidates running for the Nova Scotia PC Party leadership. Tim Houston, John Lohr, Elizabeth Smith-McCrossin and Julie Chiasson are also in the running.

The new leader of the party will be selected on Oct. 27 during a leadership convention in Halifax.

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