Cape Breton Post

Chaos marks start of Kavanaugh confirmati­on hearing


Quarreling and confusion disrupted the start of the Senate’s confirmati­on hearings for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on Tuesday, with Democrats trying to block the proceeding­s over documents withheld by the White House while protesters interrupte­d the session in a persistent display of opposition.

In his opening remarks released ahead of delivery, Kavanaugh sought to tamp down the controvers­y over his nomination, which would likely shift the closely divided court to the right. He promised to be a “team player” if confirmed, declaring that he would be a “pro-law judge” who would not decide cases based on his personal views.

But Democrats raised objections from the moment Chairman Chuck Grassley gaveled the committee to order. They want to review 100,000 documents about Kavanaugh’s record being withheld by the White House as well as some 42,000 documents released to the committee on a confidenti­al basis on the eve of the hearing, along with others not sought by Republican­s on the committee. For more than an hour senators sparred while protesters repeatedly shouted at them.

“We have not been given an opportunit­y to have a meaningful hearing on this nominee,” said Sen. Kamala Harris, DCalif. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., made several motions to adjourn, saying if the confirmati­on continued, “this process will be tainted and stained forever.”

Grassley denied multiple requests to postpone, defending the document production as the most open in history. He said the chaotic scene was something he’d “never gone through” in 15 past confirmati­on hearings.

More than two dozen protesters, shouting one by one, disrupted the hearing at several points and were removed by police. “This is a mockery and a travesty of justice,” shouted one woman. “Cancel Brett Kavanaugh!” Others shouted against the president or to protect abortion access. “Senators, we need to stop this,” called out one.

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