Cape Breton Post

Life of a police officer not easy


The sound of boots walking across the floor and the crackling of velcro as he places his vest on the back of the chair. These were the sounds I would hear when I knew my dad was home - the sounds of relief.

Your dad is your protector, but mine was everyone else’s protector too. Having a parent who is a police officer is both a blessing and a curse. You are forced to learn crucial life lessons at a young age. You learn the importance of helping others especially in troubled times. You learn to love your community and you learn selflessne­ss. You learn about courage and how to be a peacekeepe­r. You learn about the honourable attribute of sacrifice more than most.

You see your father give everything he has to his job. He sacrifices time with his family to ensure another is safe. You pray that your dad doesn’t have to give the ultimate sacrifice - his life. You are exposed to the evils of the world while overhearin­g your father talk about his day at work.

It’s a hard pill to swallow when the person you see as a hero can also be called a pig by some people. It’s hard to imagine that people choose to live a life of crime, hate and anger, or that someone wants to hurt my dad all because he wears a uniform.

Despite all the evil there is plenty of good along with it. I watched my father dye his hair with Kool-Aid and shave his head for the Cops for Cancer fundraiser. I see communitie­s come together in times of tragedy ensuring that police know they are appreciate­d.

The life of someone who loves a police officer is filled with love, uncertaint­y and prayer. I’m older now and I can see how this life has affected him and the fear becomes worse as you hope for your dad to always make it home.

Let’s not forget about the children and families of those affected by the recent terrible tragedy in Fredericto­n, during which two police officers and two civilians were killed. Behind every badge is a family who loves that officer more than anything and is relying on their safe arrival home. My heart goes out to those children of the deceased as their lives have been changed forever. Ainslie Boone

Drayton Valley, Alta. (Ainslie’s father is Ken Boone, an RCMP officer in the Yukon and the son of Connie Boone and the late Greg Boone, formerly of New Waterford and now living in New Victoria.)

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