Cape Breton Post

Struggling with a newfound fear

Trip to Toronto brought on unexpected anxiety

- Jill Ellsworth Jill Ellsworth is a writer and communicat­ions specialist who lives in Dominion. Her column appears bi-weekly in the Cape Breton Post. She can be reached at jillellswo­

I love travelling, I always have. But earlier this month while I was packing for a weekend trip to Toronto I had a sinking feeling in my stomach I had never felt before. I had a feeling something was going to go wrong.

At first, I tried to shake it off as general nervousnes­s. I knew I wasn’t afraid of planes, or worried that my luggage would get lost along the way, but the nagging feeling just wouldn’t go away. Finally, after sitting down and forcing myself to think about it, I realized I wasn’t worried about the travelling itself, but what might happen in Toronto during our time in the city.

Now that I’m back at home feeling safe and sound, I’m happy to say that nothing negative directly impacted me during my trip, but I’ve been left with the question — why was I suddenly so afraid to go to a city that has always felt like a second home to me?

Growing up in Canada, terrorist attacks and public shootings always seemed foreign, seen only through a TV screen, happening miles and miles away. They were horrible and sad, but they were inherently “other.” As I got older I realized that those beliefs were untrue and whether I liked it or not, tragedies can and do happen in every country, including Canada.

According to Maclean’s magazine, Toronto doesn’t even break the top 100 most dangerous places in Canada, and I’ve spent plenty of time living in the city never feeling in any real danger. I think the shift in my thinking happened after the Danforth attack in July. Two innocent people lost their lives and 13 others were injured on a street that has always represente­d live music, amazing food and excitement to me. It was a slap in the face to my false sense of security.

Photos and videos of the event plastered the news, but the news is something I can turn off and shield myself from. Social media on the other hand, in my career and generation as a whole, is something I can’t ever fully step back from.

During our stay in Toronto, there was a shooting at a local mall and a murder on a streetcar just down the street. The only reason I heard about those events, was because of social media. Without it I would have remained blissfully unaware.

So the question I leave you with today is, is Canada really getting any more dangerous, or is the connectivi­ty of social media just bringing everything to the surface?

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