Cape Breton Post

Criminal investigat­ion not ruled out

Human rights complaint filed against Glace Bay High School


A Glace Bay teen and his mother have filed a complaint with the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission in relation to a bullying incident that caught global media attention.

Terri McEachern and her 14-year-old son Brett Corbett, who has cerebral palsy, made the complaint against Glace Bay High School, where the incident took place on Nov. 6. Also named is the Cape Breton-Victoria Regional Centre for Education.

McEachern said she reached out for advice from lawyers through Dalhousie University, a private law firm in Halifax and the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission. Based on the advice given, she decided to file the complaint.

“We did it because of the way he has been treated (by some school staff) since the incident,” McEachern said.

“He was called a liar in the process. He was told he was to blame during the process … He was also being left with a (staff member who called him a liar) until I said I was taking it further.”

A spokespers­on for the centre for education said they can’t comment on the complaint at this time.

The complaint was filed on Dec. 6 and McEachern believes the school and centre were served on Dec. 7 and that they have an allotted time to respond to the complaint before it moves forward. McEachern said she is looking at retaining legal representa­tion for when it does move forward.

Since the bullying incident, where Corbett was aggressive­ly told to lie in a cold stream and then other students walked on him like a bridge, McEachern said her son’s mental health has declined.

“I had him at the pediatrici­an again on Friday because of all this. He’s having anxiety attacks, panic attacks. I’m advocating for him but his mental health is my main concern.”

McEachern started to cry. “They took his smile. They took his spirit. That’s what kills me.”

Not only does she feel Corbett traumatize­d by the incident — which his mother said isn’t the first time he’s been a victim of bullying — the aftermath has also been equally difficult for Corbett, who hasn’t been able to return to school full-time yet.

The video of the bullying incident going viral and attracting global media coverage was both good and bad for the family. Good because Corbett wants to get the message out that bullying is wrong regardless of if you have a disability or not. Bad because with all the publicity has come more instances of bullying, not less.

An avid gamer, Corbett used to hide for hours inside the world of his favourite Xbox games — a place his mother said he is equal to his peers because his disability is invisible. Now McEachern said her son has stopped playing because some local teens would find him online and taunt him with insults and threats of violence, sticking up for the aggressors in the video.

Screengrab­s of some of Corbett’s television interviews were made into insulting memes and posted to social media. McEachern said she’s heard teens call Corbett “human bridge” while walking through a mall, even though she was beside him.

On Nov. 19, McEachern met with Minister of Education Zach Churchill and MLA Geoff MacLellan at Cape Breton University. During this meeting, McEachern said Churchill seemed sympatheti­c and said he was going to look into the matter and get back to her. As of Monday, McEachern still hadn’t heard from Churchill or his office.

When contacted by the Cape Breton Post in relation to this, Churchill provided a statement via email.

“What happened at Glace Bay High School last month was unacceptab­le. I know this has been a traumatic time for Brett and his family,” he said. “I remain committed to a healthy return to school for Brett, and we will continue to fully support him until that can happen. This needs to be a learning moment for all of us, to ensure all our kids, including Brett, feel safe and protected in our schools.”

McEachern said the restorativ­e process that the centre for education has started at the school isn’t working for Corbett, who only attended the first meeting with the three students who walked over him in the video.

Corbett told his mother he felt like they were “talking down to him, like he was slow,” and doesn’t want to participat­e.

McEachern also feels the school was negligent in not sharing with her new videos of the incident which she was told administra­tion knew of.

“In these new videos, you see there were over 70 kids involved, watching and taking video,” she said. “The school needs to see bullying is a big issue there and they need to have some sensitivit­y training for staff … Brett tried to say right from the start, it doesn’t matter if you have a disability or not, no one should be bullied.”

Dec. 3 was the first day Corbett tried to go to school but he only lasted half a day. McEachern said this was because in his first class he was given a test he didn’t prepare for because he didn’t know about it.

“He called from the bathroom crying and saying they are trying to fail him,” said McEachern.

The following day McEachern said her son suffered panic attacks all day and attempted to go to school on Dec. 5 but lasted less than an hour. The Grade 10 student hasn’t been back since.

When Corbett leaves school early, his mother calls him a cab that she pays for out of pocket, something she doesn’t mind. However, McEachern is concerned no one from the school calls her to check in when Corbett leaves or to make sure she knows he has left the school.

McEachern said she did ask her son if he wanted to change schools but he says he doesn’t want to.

“He broke down into tears because there still are some of his friends at that school that he doesn’t want to lose,” she said.

“He said he didn’t want to go to a new school after this and be known as the ‘human bridge’ and the boy this happened to.”

 ?? NIKKI SULLIVAN/CAPE BRETON POST ?? Brett Corbett, right, stands with boxer Ryan Rozicki at an anti-bullying rally in Glace Bay in November.
NIKKI SULLIVAN/CAPE BRETON POST Brett Corbett, right, stands with boxer Ryan Rozicki at an anti-bullying rally in Glace Bay in November.

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