Cape Breton Post

Rants &Raves

We discuss mining safety, Coal Bowl, tickets and childcare


RANT: For lack of transparen­cy. It was reported this week that officials at the Kameron Coal’s Donkin mine failed to report multiple cave-ins in a timely manner – one on Sept. 18 and a second on Oct. 1. Two additional cave-ins, which were reported, occurred on Dec. 18 and Dec. 28, but documents obtained by The Canadian Press through freedom of informatio­n show that there were problems in the mine roofs as far back as July. As concerning as it is that officials at the mine were not always forthcomin­g with the province, it is equally concerning that this informatio­n has only come to light through a freedom of informatio­n request. To clarify, the first step of putting in a freedom of informatio­n request is to simply ask for the informatio­n in question and see if the government department will provide it. When it is not provided, a formal freedom of informatio­n request is submitted and it often takes months before any details are shared. In the case of Donkin mine, media outlets, including the Cape Breton Post, have been in regular conversati­ons with provincial officials and those with Kameron Coal, especially since the collapses in December. Why not be upfront with the public about the concerns at the mine and the fact that inspection­s have revealed weaknesses in its structure? These details should have been provided to the public without having to go through a freedom of informatio­n applicatio­n. The secrecy surroundin­g all of this begs more questions than answers.

RAVE: For Coal Bowl. There’s been lots of interestin­g stories coming out of Breton Education Centre’s Coal Bowl this week. While sport is obviously at the core of this annual tradition, it’s about so much more than that. We’ve learned about the strong connection­s between players and community members, we’ve learned about the work experience opportunit­ies behind the scenes, we’ve learned about how important it is for students who aren’t even playing on the court and, in today’s edition, we learn about the inspiratio­nal personal stories of some of the players. This tournament is not only a testament to the strength of the community that pulls it off year after year, but it’s also a testament to the importance of community-based learning opportunit­ies. Experience­s like Coal Bowl provide insights and knowledge that will last for years to come.

RANT: For last-minute ticket buyers. It’s sometimes called a Cape Breton tradition, but seriously, why is it that Cape Bretoners can’t seem to commit to events well in advance? As reported earlier this week, there are still many tickets available for the upcoming Scotties Tournament of Hearts. We have no doubt Centre 200 will ultimately boast high attendance numbers – after all, this is a top-level sporting event in our own backyard. But with a little less than a week left before the fun begins, it’s a wonder there are any tickets left at all. Get your tickets already!

RAVE: For childcare options. Parents in Cape Breton have long struggled to access childcare options for infants and news this week that another centre, the YMCA in Sydney, will start caring for babies as young as six months is welcome news. In today’s world, it can be a struggle for anyone to adequately balance life and work — adding children to the mix sometimes stretches the limits even further. As pre-primary expands, it’s likely that more options for infants will become available. There will also be a growing need for before and after school programs for the four-year-olds who are entering pre-primary. For the parents (and children) who need these important services, news about increased options can’t come soon enough.

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