Cape Breton Post

MP criticism rife with ‘hypocrisy’

- Sylvia Murrin Glace Bay

Re: ‘Postal Supporters Upset with Local MP,’ Cape Breton Post letter to the editor, Jan. 22.

The hypocrisy in the above letter is just too blatant to ignore. Among the authors are a failed provincial Progressiv­e Conservati­ve candidate and his campaign manager as well as known NDP supporters who seem to forget their respective parties’ records on back-to-work legislatio­n.

Parties of all stripes have used backto-work legislatio­n. The Harper Conservati­ves introduced back-to-work legislatio­n a record four times and threatened the use of it on two other occasions between 2011 and 2015.

Provincial NDP government­s have also limited workers right to strike over 15 times, including right here in this province when the Dexter government took away paramedics right to strike in 2013.

I believe the Trudeau government tried to legislate a fair process for both the postal workers and the company after year-long negotiatio­ns and a fiveweek strike failed to get a deal. It was nothing like Harper’s 2011 one-sided imposed agreement where he legislated a lower wage than what the union and management had already agreed upon. He forced the arbitrator to only look at the financial considerat­ions of the company and not the workers.

In comparison, the Liberal legislatio­n requires the arbitrator to not only consider the company issues, but ones important to workers as well, including health and safety and equal pay for work of equal value.

Local MP Rodger Cuzner has always been a supporter of workers’ rights and his government has walked the line on repealing many of the Harper anti-union measures and created laws that have further protected workers like banning asbestos.

I think Canadians want their elected representa­tives to be fair and balanced, not blind and partisans for one side or another. With the Canada Post legislatio­n, I think the government and Cuzner got the balance right.

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