Cape Breton Post

Trump blasts Pelosi ‘cover-up’ accusation


WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump fired back on Wednesday at U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s accusation that he is engaged in a cover-up over the Mueller Russia investigat­ion, saying at a hastily arranged White House appearance, “I don’t do cover-ups.”

Visibly angered by Pelosi’s remarks, Trump also said he would not work with Democrats, who control the House of Representa­tives, on a major infrastruc­ture proposal because of “phony” investigat­ions they are pursuing in Congress.

The Republican president added that he was upset that Democratic lawmakers discussed the possibilit­y of impeaching him before a White House meeting on infrastruc­ture.

Trump repeated his previous rhetoric about special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of Russia’s interferen­ce in Trump’s favor in the 2016 U.S. presidenti­al election and whether Trump impeded Mueller’s inquiry. “No collusion, no obstructio­n, no nothing,” Trump said.

“This whole thing was a takedown attempt at the president of the United States.”

Regarding the infrastruc­ture meeting, Trump said, “I walked into the room and I told Senator (Chuck) Schumer, Speaker Pelosi, I want to do infrastruc­ture. I want to do it more than you want to do it. I’d be really good at that — that’s what I do. But you know what? You can’t do it under these circumstan­ces. So get these phony investigat­ions over with.”

Afterward, at a press conference with Senate Democratic Leader Schumer, Pelosi told reporters Trump may have lacked the confidence to work with Democrats on infrastruc­ture. She said she prays for Trump.

Schumer said watching what happened at the meeting between the president and Democratic lawmakers “would make your jaw drop.” He said that when Trump was asked how he would pay for an infrastruc­ture plan, “he had to run away.”

As Democrats in Congress debated impeaching Trump, Pelosi said on Wednesday, about an hour before a White House meeting with him, that Trump is engaged in a “cover-up.”

The president is stonewalli­ng multiple congressio­nal investigat­ions by ignoring subpoenas, refusing to allow current and former advisers to testify, and not handing over documents, steps that have aggravated a confrontat­ion with Congress.

“No one is above the law, including the president of the United States. And we believe that the president of the United States is engaged in a cover-up,” Pelosi told reporters after a morning meeting of House Democrats.

She and other congressio­nal leaders met briefly with Trump just before his appearance before reporters to talk about a potential bipartisan infrastruc­ture developmen­t plan, although a firm proposal for funding any such effort has yet to emerge. The meeting lasted only a few minutes.

Trump and Democrats who control the House are engaged in a high-stakes power struggle over their ability to investigat­e him, with the president increasing­ly asserting that his advisers need not respond to lawmakers’ inquiries.

Their probes range from whether Trump obstructed justice during Mueller’s inquiry into Russian meddling in Trump’s favor in the 2016 U.S. presidenti­al election to his personal finances and businesses.

As the confrontat­ion has escalated, Pelosi and other senior House leaders have been trying to tamp down demands from more junior Democratic lawmakers to kick off impeachmen­t proceeding­s, urging them to give court enforcemen­t actions time to progress.

The Democratic House intelligen­ce committee chairman has agreed to hold off enforcing a subpoena against Attorney General William Barr after the Justice Department said it would turn over materials relating to Mueller’s probe. The decision ended a standoff between the committee and the Justice Department for access to counterint­elligence reports generated by Mueller.

“The Department of Justice ... this week will begin turning over to the committee twelve categories of counterint­elligence and foreign intelligen­ce materials,” committee chairman Adam Schiff said in a statement on Wednesday.

Several House Democrats left Wednesday morning’s meeting telling reporters that Schiff’s deal might cool some of the passion for immediatel­y moving toward impeachmen­t

But impeachmen­t demands have mounted since former White House counsel Don McGahn ignored a subpoena from the House judiciary committee on Tuesday to appear before it and testify.

Democratic Representa­tive Gerry Connolly told reporters that Pelosi was working to balance the demands of Democrats in the House. But he added, “I am increasing­ly concerned that this president has committed impeachabl­e offenses.”

Democratic Representa­tive Bill Pascrell, a member of the House ways and means committee that is demanding Trump’s tax returns, said he agrees with Pelosi and most committee chairs on not jumping to impeachmen­t now.

Pascrell has been a Pelosi critic, but he said, “On this one I think she’s absolutely correct; the methodical approach.”

 ?? LEAH MILLIS REUTERS ?? U.S. President Donald Trump speaks about the investigat­ion by special counsel Robert Mueller in the Rose Garden at the White House in Washington on Wednesday. •
LEAH MILLIS REUTERS U.S. President Donald Trump speaks about the investigat­ion by special counsel Robert Mueller in the Rose Garden at the White House in Washington on Wednesday. •

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