Cape Breton Post

Event still lures in crowds

Group has held free children’s fishing derby for more than 50 years


BIRCH GROVE — After 50 years, the Port Morien Wildlife Associatio­n is still hooking in the crowds for their annual event.

The annual free children’s fishing derby will be held Sunday May 26, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Morrison Lake, Birch Grove. There will be numerous prizes in each of three categories, ages 7 and under, ages 8-11 and 12-15.

Stan Peach, treasurer, said each category will include prizes for the largest fish and most fish. There will also be a prize for the biggest fish of the day.

“Last year the biggest fish was caught by a four-year-old.”

The associatio­n has held the free fishing derby for upwards of 50 years, which attracts people from across the island and beyond. Peach said they average 200 children, along with parents and guardians. He said everyone is welcome, including visitors to the island. However he reminds people this is a fishing derby for the children, although adults are welcome to help the children fish. When the event ends at 2 p.m., fishing will be open to everyone.

Peach said there will be conservati­on officers from Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquacultur­e at the event, meeting the children and handing out colouring books.

He said some children are scared of police officers but shouldn’t be since police are their friends. He said the same holds true for conservati­on officers who enforce regulation­s as part of their job.

“They are protecting conservati­on. There are people out there breaking the law, catching more than what they are supposed to and fish without a license.”

There will be free food for the children at the derby including hot dogs, pop, water and healthy snacks.

The East Cape Breton County Community Health Board is the major sponsor of the event but funds come from fundraisin­g thoughout the year by the associatio­n and donations from businesses and individual­s.

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