Cape Breton Post



When I was young Remembranc­e Day was a really important day. Children at school wrote and presented essays and poems to our veterans, we attended Remembranc­e Day services at our local cenotaphs, and we knew families who had fathers, grandfathe­rs, uncles and others who had served and sometimes perished overseas.

We were taught that to forget the past doomed us to repeating it in the future.

I hope that young people are still receiving similar instructio­n because we have a big problem in this country. It flies in the face of all those Canadians who fought and died during the Second World War.

Today, there are Nazi flags being displayed in Canada — one was removed from a house in Saskatchew­an recently. There are white nationalis­ts, white supremacis­ts and groups of people who support and promote these ugly views.

Canadians are respected around the world because we are definitely not like this. Canada fought against this kind of evil in the 1940s.

It is disappoint­ing that in a country as strong as Canada – one that salutes and thanks its veterans and upholds the freedoms they fought for - there are those who sneer and disparage those values for their own ends.

Am I alone in worrying about this? Who are these people? Who is supporting and financing these groups? Our national broadcaste­rs and press should be exposing and condemning such people and their supporters.

Canadians need to stand together and say, “No, not in this country!” Rhonda MacDougall Gale

South Bar

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