Cape Breton Post

Mosquito pools test positive in Ontario


WINDSOR, Ont. — The first signs of West Nile virus, found this week in parts of Southweste­rn Ontario, have appeared later than previous years.

Two mosquito pools in the City of Windsor and one in Dresden have tested positive for West Nile virus as of Tuesday, according to news releases from Windsor-Essex County Health Unit and Chatham-Kent Public Health Unit. No human cases of the virus, which is contracted and spread through a bite from an infected mosquito, have been reported in either region for 2019. The virus has appeared later in the season than usual, said a health official from Windsor-Essex County Health Unit.

“It is a little bit later that we’re finding positive pools,” said Phil Wong, environmen­tal health manager at the local health unit. “I know that it’s a little bit delayed across the province, just because of the climate that we’re having this year.”

Typically, pools are more likely to test positive for West Nile in hot and rainy weather, Wong said, and while this year has been warm, the cooler spring temperatur­es likely contribute­d to the delay.

The health unit tests for West Nile virus at locations across Windsor-Essex County once a week. While the unit won’t disclose where the West Nile positive mosquitoes were found, those living in the affected regions will receive a letter advising them to be extra cautious.

“Folks that are elderly and immune-compromise­d will have a worse reaction if they do get West Nile virus,” Wong said. “So that’s why we have them as a priority group.

But anybody, even someone that’s healthy, can get West Nile virus. So it’s very important that everybody really exercises the extra precaution­s to protect themselves.”

It is a little bit later that we’re finding positive pools

The symptoms of West Nile virus can vary, with a majority of those infected not developing any. Some 20 per cent who become sick may present with flu-like symptoms including fever, nausea, headaches, or muscle pain. In extreme circumstan­ces people can also experience neurologic­al effects like seizures, paralysis and confusion.

Compared to 2017, where 20 people in Windsor-Essex contracted the virus and three people died, the local health unit said health officials saw a decline last year with 13 diagnoses and two deaths.

Tips to protect against mosquito bites on the health unit’s website recommend that people:

Use insect repellent with DEET or Icaridin and follow manufactur­er instructio­ns

Wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants and a hat that are light coloured

Avoid going outdoors during dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active

Ensure that door and window screens are secure and hole-free

Stay away from or remove any standing water as mosquitoes use these pools of water to lay eggs

If you have standing water on your own property, you are responsibl­e to remove it, Wong said, though the city can help. For standing water on municipal property, the city will treat it.

For people to remain West Nile free in the region, which is what Wong hopes, he said “It’s pretty important for the individual­s in our community to make sure that they’re properly practising the public health practices to avoid getting bit by mosquitoes.”

 ?? POSTMEDIA NEWS ?? For most people, the West Nile Virus might result in flu-like symptoms, but for some it can be quite serious.
POSTMEDIA NEWS For most people, the West Nile Virus might result in flu-like symptoms, but for some it can be quite serious.

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