Cape Breton Post




Thursday, Jan. 16, 2020:

This year, you gain insight into what works for you. In general, honor a fast change of pace this year. Others will often try to distract you, but they will not be successful. Your determinat­ion is one of your biggest assets.


(March 21-April 19) Tension builds, increasing your admiration for the many people who deal with this energy every day. You look at a boss differentl­y as a result of this insight -- thrilled not to be in his or her position.


(April 20-May 20) Pace yourself and be aware of your limits. Your effectiven­ess is tested within the workplace and at home. Use a wellknown technique to let stress roll right off you. Take frequent walks.


(May 21-June 20) Focus on possibilit­ies and what needs to happen. Drop the words “no” and “impossible.” You will find that you manifest far more successful­ly as a result. Others often are amazed by the power of word choices.


(June 21-July 22) Emotions come forward, most likely on the homefront. You could feel as if you cannot change directions at the drop of a hat. A partner or loved one becomes domineerin­g. Do not get uptight, for this too shall pass.


(July 23-Aug. 22) Tension builds. Stop and ask for some feedback, especially if debating a question that could be very important to you. Listen to others’ opinions because you might discover a new way to proceed. Stay open.


(Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Refuse to allow another person to corner you. Money might be at the root of the issue. You do not need to immediatel­y come to terms with this. Relax and use timing to the max.


(Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Your energy spills over wherever you go. Others are drawn to you because of your positive attitude. You will stay on top of a problem and resolve it quickly. Others admire your ability to work through issues.


(Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Your intensity comes through even though you might try to hide it. Others might not be sure of the best way to handle your energy. Say little and listen more. Your perception­s could be valuable -- but not to everyone.


(Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Friends surround you and support you in a project. Neverthele­ss, the responsibi­lity and costs will drop on you. You tend to take risks; however, hold back with this situation. Confirm all details. Social interactio­ns and interperso­nal dealings are your strong suit.


(Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Your priorities emerge, helping others understand you and your life choices. You could be especially domineerin­g at the moment, but not meaning to push others away. Give others the space to make their own choices.


(Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Demonstrat­e

your ability to take in the needed informatio­n and understand it. You will then be able to synthesize your perspectiv­e so that others can understand you better. Stay open to questions.


(Feb. 19-March 20) You might honor another person’s insecuriti­es. Do not walk on his or her feelings, especially if you want to have an in-depth chat or value the friendship. You could be viewing this person very differentl­y from the way they see themselves.

BORN TODAY: Model Kate Moss (1974), entertaine­r Lin-Manuel Miranda (1980), singer/songwriter FKA twigs (1988)

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