Cape Breton Post

Starting over – and over

Columnist suffers resolution dilemma

- Mike Finigan



Sigh again.

Who can think?

I don’t know. Should I ... give up sweets? Nah. Not a big sweet eater anyway, really. Except for Christmast­ime when every single person you meet, indoors or out, produces a plate full of chocolates or crack or shortbread­s or liquorice all-sorts and sticks it under your nose. Other than that, not what you’d call a big sweet eater.


I don’t know. Join a gym? Could lose a few pounds. 20’d be good. But. Nope. Not in January. I’ve paid hundreds of dollars in gym membership­s, almost always in January, and went like twice. Seriously. Not just once did I do it. I must have done it half a dozen times.

I have had some more successful and happy gym ventures, true enough, but...

I don’t know.

Maybe give up chips. The bane of my existence. Barbecue. Salt and vinegar for health. Rippled. Dipped. But no, I gave up giving up chips a long time ago. They’ve made their way into every gym membership, every diet, every lifestyle I’ve ever adopted. They win. They’re everywhere. Ubiquitous. Evil. Beautiful. Diabolical. Delicious.

You know when you should put the beer away.

You know when to fling a package of cigarettes out the window.

But the chips! Chocolates ... you just run out and you don’t buy anymore. That simple. You can make up your own mind. You’ll just buy that one Coffee Crisp ... for the game. Definitely not eating it in bed. (Who’m I kidding? I have a drawer in my bedside table allocated for caramels. See, years ago I vowed never to have a TV in the bedroom and I made good on that vow. But then came the laptop. The tablet. Netflix. And now it’s war. Who can watch Netflix and not have a little snack?

The chips, the chips.

The innocent reward for making it through the day. A few chippies. You can put them in a little plastic IKEA dish. Hardly more than a handful. I’m not even going there. I know. Not exactly inspiring. People will be saying, “The Cape Breton Post: the only newspaper in the world that tells you don’t get a gym membership. Don’t give up sweets! Don’t even think about giving up chips.”

No. I’m not saying all that. What I’m saying is, get a flu shot. Last year I joined a gym. A week later I got the flu. Not because I joined a gym. Just because it was flu season. And there I was without a shot. Sick? Oi. Never again. I got one this year. Resolved. Done. Success. First flu shot ever.

That’s a good resolution. The flu shot. Wonderful start.

There must be something for 2020. Am I becoming so cynical that I don’t even want to at least ...

I went vegan for almost two months last year. That’s something I need to put fine points on if I go there again. I actually gained weight, because all I ate was pasta and chips and not a lot of vegetables actually. Making “cheese” from chickpeas and cashews. You know, I could probably give up meat, but I seriously don’t think I could give up cheese. I should’ve stuck to carrots, turnips, onions, mushrooms ... simple, delicious.

You don’t just wander into something like that. You really need a plan.

I started yoga, not to turn back the clock but to tick-tock ahead semi-gracefully.

I started running. And then I started walking. Walking’s good. Stretching, doing the odd downward dog rather than the dead lift.

Joining a group. That’s good. Volunteeri­ng.

Singing’s good. You could always join the Cape Breton Chordsmen. The Breton Songbirds. Mondays at 7 p.m., United Heritage Church. Another start.

Sigh. Resolution­s. Wanting to want to... Surely that’s a step in the right direction?

 ??  ??
 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? New Year’s resolution­s begin with a desire to want to make changes.
CONTRIBUTE­D New Year’s resolution­s begin with a desire to want to make changes.

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