Cape Breton Post

Twelve new cases in Nova Scotia


HALIFAX — The provincial COVID-19 update for Thursday:

• Nova Scotia COVID-19 media briefings now on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Government will continue to issue news releases on new cases each day.

• Twelve new cases of COVID-19 announced Thursday.

• As of April 30, there were 947 confirmed cases.

• Nova Scotia has had 28 COVID-19 related deaths.

• Ten licensed long-term care homes and unlicensed seniors' facilities in Nova Scotia with COVID-19 cases involving 235 residents and 104 staff.

• Ten individual­s are currently in hospital, three in ICU.

• The QEII Health Sciences Centre's microbiolo­gy lab completed 901 tests on April

29. Testing numbers are updated daily at­s

• To date, 28,209 negative test results.

• Public health is working to identify and test people who may have come in close contact with the confirmed cases. Those individual­s who have been confirmed are being directed to self-isolate at home, away from the public, for 14 days.

• Fivehundre­d and forty-five individual­s have now recovered.

• McNeil thanks Nova Scotians for their patience and vigilance: “We will get through this together," he said. "I urge you all to keep practising good hygiene and maintainin­g social distance."

• Nova Scotia’s chief medical officer of health Dr. Robert Strang urges Nova Scotians not to let their guard down: "What we are doing is working to slow this virus' spread and we need to stay the course,” he said. “Please continue to follow public health orders and advice."

• If you have two or more of the following symptoms, visit to determine if you should call 811 for further assessment: fever, new or worsening cough, sore throat, runny nose or headache.

• Anyone who has travelled outside Nova Scotia must selfisolat­e for 14 days.

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